13 Ideas To Help You Achieve Happiness

13 thoughts to help you achieve happiness

Sometimes life hits hard on the face. Just like the most powerful hurricane would come upon you and tear to pieces your whole world. In that case, it can be difficult to find happiness. Sometimes your whole life seems to hang in place and you get bored of yourself and everything around you.

However, we can design our own world. We can recreate it and ourselves and change things.

Happiness can be an attitude. Have you actually met a person who you think would have all the keys to happiness, but still he or she is not happy? And have you met people who smile all the time, even if life has shown them their worst sides?

How can we re-create ourselves to be happier?

Dr.  Mario Alonso Puig tells an interesting secret to being happy. We decided to continue this list with a few extra points so you no longer have any excuses not to learn to be happy!

1. Take care of yourself. You are a priority.

It is true that caring for others and helping others brings happiness into our lives, but when we have to bend too much and forget about ourselves, we do ourselves a disservice.

Saying “no” every now and then and not trying to please all the people in the world is very important so that we can be happy.

What do you want yourself? Think about it.

2. Start over.

Have you encountered adversity? Start from the beginning. Life is like a ferris wheel, sometimes we go down, sometimes up. Get up and don’t get stuck in the sorrows of the past! New friends, love and work are waiting for you.

Every day and every moment is a new opportunity to start over.

3. Don’t punish yourself for your mistakes, learn from them

We all make mistakes, and that is completely human. Stop spinning the same old thing in your mind!

What has been done has been done. Take this as an opportunity for life to learn something. Feeling guilt not only paralyzes us, but learning from mistakes allows us to move forward.

4. Think of all the good you have

We often focus on phrases like “I have such bad luck” or “it happened to me again.”

Why wouldn’t you focus on thinking about the good things you have? For example, have you ever paid attention to how wonderful it is for you to see, smell and feel?

Look around you and you will be surprised.

Happy woman in the meadow

5. You deserve to change things

If things don’t change by themselves, why wouldn’t you start changing them?

What? Are you tired of your life and routines? Go looking for activities and friends… Go! Don’t expect things to just show up at your door.

6. Try new things you always wanted to try

Have you always wanted to learn a language, play a musical instrument or even go for a touch count? What are you waiting for?

It’s your time, make the most of it.

7. Read from others who have re-created themselves

There are countless wonderful stories of success and how a person can take control of their own life. A great example given by someone else can be the motivation you need to recreate yourself.

8. Control your face

Did you know that just by changing the look on our faces can we change our attitude? Why not give it a try?

Start by waking up with a smile every morning… Maybe you will surprise yourself.

9. Use your internal dialogue to support yourself

Use the positive dialogue within you. It includes phrases like “I can do it” or “tomorrow everything will be fine”.

The way you talk says a lot about you and how you value yourself. Keep this in mind.

10. Charging your batteries eliminates stress

Don’t let stress settle inside you. Usually, this means negative thoughts and worries about the future or the past.

Get away from stress by doing something, meditating, or simply exploring what’s going on deep inside you.

Meditation on the beach

11. If you can imagine it, you can also create it

What is now true was a big dream at first… Why wouldn’t you make your dreams come true? You just have to be clear about what you want. You need to give it shape and think about ways you can implement it.

12. Sleep well

Sleep is a friend of the good mind.

Here’s a little tip: When you go to sleep, separate yourself from worries and sorrows and state that you now deserve to sleep.

13. There is no happiness without others

Please others. When we are selfless, we no doubt feel happier. Be selfless.

If you follow these guidelines, you will surely recreate yourself and feel more whole. You may even want to add something to this list to continue the process. Happiness is an attitude, don’t forget it.

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