13 Love Types

13 types of love

We live in a society that has subconsciously created rules for something as sacred, natural, and beautiful as love. We feel that we should follow certain guidelines as to how we should live and experience love.

There are an endless number of habits and habits that several couples maintain, but fortunately every love is different. There is no single way to live and experience love.

It would be interesting and wonderful to experience each of these ways and somehow connect them all to our relationship. In this way, we would probably be even closer in the relationship.

Love type, sad woman

13 types of love

1. Emotional love.  This type of love is the most sincere and is manifested through deeds. Emotions play a major role.

2. Passionate love. This is the type of love that can be seen in movies: strong, deep and intense.

3. Forever lasting love. This type of love occurs in relationships where love remains hidden, but it lives on both sides whether they are together or not. When they see each other again, love fills the whole space and their whole existence.

4. Brave love. This is a love that will withstand all the bumps and adversities, as well as, for example, a long distance relationship. It doesn’t matter if the whole world opposes this authentic love. Both parties are able to love through everything, to the end.

5. One-sided love. This type of love causes pain, but it also brings with it one of the most important experiences: learning.

6. Unexpected love. This guy can be summed up with the following lovely phrase:  “Love is like a butterfly. If you try to catch it, it will fly away. But when you least expect it, it lands on your shoulder and stays in it. ” This is what unexpected love is. It arrives when it is least expected, or when the recipient was in no way prepared to receive it, and in this way it challenges to boldly go with it. You didn’t look for it. You may not even want it, but it came to knock on your door. And it came to make you happy.

7. Loyal love. A friend you have often offended by fighting this approach will continue to fight to keep you happy and win your love. He probably cares about you more than anyone ever has anyone. He looks you deep in the eyes with a love-filled gaze and expects that one day you will say “yes” .

8. Crazy love. This type of love makes us feel completely silly. We find ourselves saying things we would never have imagined coming from our own mouths. You fight your spouse over futile things. But always in the end, your lips turn to smile when you realize how crazy and fascinating love you felt.

9. Summer romance. Many of us know this guy very well. It only takes a moment, but is very intense.  When you experience this type of love, you do not think about the future. The only thing that matters is that moment and the hope that this moment would continue. The painful farewells at the end of the summer are naturally part of this type of love.

10. First love. How, where, or with whom it happened doesn’t matter. In any case, it will always be your first love, a memory that cannot be removed from your heart. This is probably one of the most sincere types of love we can experience.

11. True love. Simply put, you either meet the love of your life when you are young, or you know it hasn’t hit it yet. When that happens, that feeling can’t be compared to any other type of love you’ve experienced.

12. Shy love. Both parties know it. They would love to start a relationship and give all their love to this other person, but they don’t have the courage to do so. Both remain silent.

13. Blind love. In my opinion, one of the most precious and unsolicited types of love. Love that the heart can see.

What type of love do you feel?

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