24 Tips To Help You Be Authentically Romantic

24 Tips To Help You Be Authentically Romantic

When we think about what is romantic, we often think of the same, old things: chocolate, flowers, candle dinners… There is nothing wrong with these things either, but the concept of romance is much broader and can hold so much more than we would first think.

We may often find that we are simply not romantic people. Romance, however, is about much more than expressing our deep feelings that draw us fervently towards another person… It is about the feelings we all feel within us. That is, in our own way, each of us is a romantic!


At the beginning of a relationship,  we often make more romantic gestures thanks to hope and a charm of novelty. At this point, however, everything is quite superficial. As time goes on, we may forget such gestures. Maybe it’s because we’re routine, maybe it’s because a bond of trust has developed between the two people.

However, for a relationship to really work properly and for its parties to be happy together, these romantic gestures must not be forgotten. Love is like a house that has never been completely pre-built or decorated – it is an ongoing process. New details can always be added.

Love is found in small, everyday details. To be “romantic” you don’t have to be “syrupy”.

Learning generosity, caring for love like a little baby, a little flame that comes to survive in the midst of wind and rain… it’s romance.

24 tips to be more romantic

When we love, we are romantic. But as with many other things in this life, we may not know how we can best express it.

If you are shy, you may find it difficult to express your feelings. A relationship that has fallen entirely into the power of routine can be emotionally challenging, despite the fact that both parties still feel strongly about each other. We will now give you 24 tips to help you be authentically romantic without losing your own self in the process.

Romantic soap bubble
  1. Never stop being yourself. Every single person is romantic in their own way, and to be authentic you would be best off doing things in a natural, honest way.
  2. Seduce your spouse. Make her feel special. Let him know that you admire, respect and want this.
  3. Never stop surprising your loved one… avoid monotony.
  4. Think about what your spouse considers romantic.
  5. In love, “yes”. Obsessive, “no”. The opposite of romance is obsession. We can’t spend our days from morning to night trying to be romantic, or we end up suppressing the person we love. As with everything else in life, remember moderation.
  6. Honesty is also romance. Decorative and majestic words, unnatural deeds… These can have just the opposite effect we want. If it doesn’t come honestly straight from the heart, it shows up and means nothing.
  7. Admire your spouse. 
  8. Say “I love you” jälkeen after that. It has been found that relationships where the parties say those three words after making love are happier, closer, and longer lasting.
  9. Make the effort to feel comfortable anywhere and surrounded by other people.
  10. Talk every day. Experts say a 30-minute conversation every day strengthens the relationship.
  11. Listen to your spouse as much as you can.
  12. Write him letters.
  13. Show your spouse physical affection. What could be more romantic than a hug when you’re both frustrated? Giving an unexpected kiss? Wink or a small smile from a distance? Keep your loved one good at least once a day. Hugs are friends of love.
  14. Return to the place where you met and do the same things you did when you met.
  15. Prepare a special meal just for the two of you.
  16. Do small things at home that you don’t normally do. Maybe you never iron her clothes or wash the floors… Surprise her.
  17. Never forget small gestures that allow you to show your spouse that he or she is in your thoughts. Pick up a few flowers on your way home, leave her a small love letter, or send her a phone message in the middle of the day letting her know that she is on your mind and that you love her.
  18. Do things together. Cook, dance or even take a nap together.
  19. Make a photo album of the two of you or fill a book with your memories, letters, etc.…
  20. Get ready for your love.
  21. Call him at work just to say “hello” and talk to him for a few minutes.
  22. If you don’t live together, send good night and tomorrow wishes.
  23. Never forget your sense of humor!
  24. Encourage him in the weakest moments. Hug, kiss, or grab your spouse’s hand when he or she is leaving for his or her new job or doctor’s office.

We could no doubt add a few more items to this list. We each have a habit of being romantic. Authenticity is the thing that sets us apart from everyone else and makes us what we really are.

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