26 Sentences To Keep In Mind During Difficult Times

26 sentences to keep in mind during difficult times

Sometimes it seems that life does not give mercy. Sometimes it doesn’t just stop knocking us down, and then we lose our strength to move on. It seems useless to try to do things right if they go bad anyway.

In situations like this, we naturally falter. We try hard to stay afloat, but strong waves pull us to the depths and we swallow water… a lot of water.

Obviously, staying strong is infinitely difficult in difficult times, but if your ship is solid, you can get through even the stormy sea.

At some point, outside help, whether provided by a loved one or a professional, is essential to maintaining our mental health. However, no one can help us unless we help ourselves through a place that no one else reaches: our thoughts.

The child looks out the window

For this reason, we have now compiled a list of 26 sentences that are good to keep in mind during difficult times so that we can stay afloat until the storm subsides again:

  1. “I have lost over 9,000 opportunities in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. I’ve been trusted to have made a decisive pass to the game, and I’ve thrown over 26 times. I have failed again and again and again in my life. And that’s why I’m succeeding. ”  –  Michael Jordan
  2. Let your smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile.
  3. “Do what you can, for what you have, where you are.” –  Theodore Roosevelt
  4. The joy of life is that you always have something to do, someone you love and something you hope for.
  5. “Blessed is he who expects nothing, for then he will never be disappointed.” –  Jonathan Swift
  6. “Experience is the most rigorous teacher.  It gives the test first and only then the teaching. ” – Unknown

  7. If this day doesn’t smile on you, you smile on it.
  8. “You’re going to be happy,  said life,  “but first I’ll make you strong.”
  9. “Laugh, then the world will laugh with you. Cry, then you will cry alone. ” –  Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  10. “Don’t let yesterday waste too much of this day” –  Will Rogers
  11. “Don’t give up,  you still have time to reach out and start over, accept your shadow, bury your fears, release your burden and fly again.” –  Mario Benedetti
  12. “Don’t give up, that’s life. Keep going, follow your dreams, make time to run again, break up the ruins and reveal the sky. ” –  Mario Benedetti
  13. “Don’t give up and don’t back down even when the cold is burning or when fear is biting, and not even when the sun is setting and the wind is stilling. There is still fire in your soul and your dreams are still alive. ” –  Mario Benedetti.
    The sun and the moon hug

  14. “There are no wounds that time could not heal.  So open the doors, take out the locks, abandon the walls that protected you, live life and take on the challenge. ” –  Mario Benedetti.
  15. Losing a battle doesn’t mean you’ve lost a war. Every day is a struggle, our goals are victories.
  16. Let’s hop on the train  that takes us to happiness.
  17. Happiness is found in yourself. If you find it, you will make many others happy too.
  18. Happiness is a temporary state of madness. Happiness is something that is born in the heart and cannot be bought.
  19. The real losers in life are not those who try and fail, but those who fail to try.
  20. “Situations don’t shape you, but how you react to them.” –  Anne Ortlund
    Soap bubbles

  21. “We can’t decide the direction of the wind, but we can adjust the sails.” – Unknown
  22. “The best thing about the future is that it only comes one day at a time.” –  Abraham Lincoln
  23. “The most important thing in life is not good cards, but how you play them.” –  Josh Billings
  24. “We ourselves think that what we do is just one drop in the ocean. But the sea would be smaller without this drop. ” –  Mother Teresa
  25. “Dreams come true. Without this opportunity, nature would not inspire us to own one. ” –  John Updike
  26. “The most honorable thing is not that we will never fall, but that we will rise whenever we fall. ”-  Confucius

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