5 Signs That A Relationship Doesn’t Work

5 signs that the relationship is not working

Falling in love with another person is an experience that we all dream of and that everyone deserves to experience at some point in their lives. It lifts us high into the clouds and is  one of the most amazing and fascinating emotional states in the world.

Being in love gives us a feeling that literally fills us with joy of life  and makes us happy; at the same time, however, it may expose us to suffering.

When we fall in love, of course, we don’t expect to suffer. The love we feel in such moments does not make room for the opposite feelings. The truth, however, is that sometimes it is part of a larger process that allows us to learn, grow within us, and learn to appreciate true love.

We now want to present you with a list of five situations where falling in love is most likely to end in a heartbreak.

1. A relationship is built on passion.

The image of this type of love created by movies and books has led us to believe that two people could fall in love at the end of a passionate night,  or that in a fairy-tale love story, this kind of love and feeling for another object is one of the most important parts.

This has nothing to do with our daily or real lives. This is why it is important for us to  know and be able to recognize the differences between a physical connection and a mental connection.  By being aware of them, we are able to avoid unnecessary breakage of our hearts.

2. The relationship has a time limit.

If you have met the person of your dreams and he or she tells you about your plans to live in another country, your time with this person will be limited.

Time limits are set for only one reason: to define a decision for a particular piece in life or a project. So ask yourself the following question:  why would you even allow yourself to fall in love if the days of the relationship have already been read in advance? If you throw yourself into the situation with your heart, you will probably end up being alone and disappointed greatly, which will prevent you from living your life.

Two coffees

3. Most people close to you are against a relationship.

People often have to give “silly” reasons why we shouldn’t be with the person we love. But if your whole family and all your friends reject the person you’re in love with to your ears, there might be some good reason behind it. If they all agree on the matter, it is very likely that something is wrong. Your closest friends and family will love you and will always take care of you; they if who wish you mere good.

If this situation happens often in your life, now may be the time when you should observe your lifestyle, behavior, and choices  and ask yourself if you feel good in the current situation or if you might want to make changes in some things.

4. There are far too many kilometers between you. 

When living in a situation like this takes too long, your relationship may begin to require far too much effort or cause constant mental suffering. Maybe then you should ask yourself if all this is really worth the effort you have experienced in both a good and a bad sense. Being in a long distance relationship for a long time is likely to increase mental stress.

5. The other party to the relationship is stunned.

When we fall in love with a person, we usually know whether or not there is an echo of what is expected of him or her. If it doesn’t seem like that person is likely to feel the same way, why do you think you could change the situation in any direction?

If that person is who he or she is, don’t fight the situation in vain. It is likely that this person will continue to act exactly the way he or she wants to, and if you try to force him or her to fall in love with yourself, you will probably burn your keys or get exhausted in vain because of something that showed clear negative signs from the beginning.

Therefore, if you find yourself in such a situation,  then it is best to leave your heart on the so-called “ swap bench” and be realistic in order to avoid possible suffering.  

For if you really want to love and be loved, it is best to just take it easy and enjoy the unique journey that life and love offer us.

You’ll love it anyway, so if you’re going to do it, do it with all your heart. Each of us is a unique person and each of us has something very valuable to give to other people.

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