5 Tips To Learn To Love

5 Tips To Learn To Love

There is only one true happiness in life: to love and to be loved. That’s what the French writer Amantine, known by the nickname George Sand, said.

We build relationships with other people primarily because of who they are, but also because of the feelings they evoke in us. In order for happiness to be associated with love, one must know how to love properly, and in addition, one must know how to truly love.

The word love is used in a fairly broad sense. Love is closely related to the most important emotions we can experience as human beings. They also include deep affection, dedication, and commitment to another person.

Every person understands love in their own way. Regardless of how we understand this concept, can we really love? Many facts show that we are all struggling with this thing in our lives. While we may not want to believe it, there is always an opportunity in love to become better and continue to evolve.

couple and flying umbrellas

Can you love

Almost every one of us thinks we can love. We think it’s enough if we have feelings for another person, but we forget that true love requires effort just like gardening. Every day we have to water it, uproot the weeds and take care of it so that the flowers can continue to grow.

A comfortable life attracts us all, but love is a way to resist that temptation.  Love requires a discussion of the great questions of life, the setting of boundaries that correspond to their purpose, and the promotion of a common sense of well-being.

Is love a skill? People who believe that love is a skill know that nurturing it requires knowledge and effort.  Or is love just a pleasant feeling you feel by chance or come across if you’re lucky?

While most people think love involves randomness and happiness, Erich Fromm in his book The Difficult Skill of Love,  that love is a skill.

While most people think love is haphazard or dependent on happiness, this by no means means that people don’t value love. We thirst for love. We watch countless movies that tell the story of both happy and unhappy love stories. We are constantly listening to songs about love. Despite all this, almost none of us think we should learn to love.

heart flowers

How to learn to love?

People seem to think that only things that produce material benefits, such as money or status, are worth learning.

How should we view learning that benefits our own innermost being? Is it possible to learn the skill of loving? Can I learn something that can only be felt but not touched?

Most people stop reading after seeing the title of this article without realizing that love is the answer to life and the problems in our lives.

All theories of love should begin with a theory of human and human existence. Love means deeds and actions, which is why it is constant rather than random. You need to learn to love if you want to realize yourself and build healthy relationships.

How loves to work hard to know love  by

Here are five key pieces of advice on how to make love continue after the early stages, according to  Fromm’s Difficult Skill of Love  :

  • Be original. We have the misconception that we live in a completely united world. We adapt to our environment and adapt to the expectations that prevail in it because we think it is the only way to build relationships. But we have the freedom to commit only to relationships that suit us and that originate sincerely and genuinely. Only then can we free ourselves from the ways in which we are conditioned and society demands of us.
  • Find a person who will give you everything you want and do the same for him. Love is giving. It is full of vitality, strength, and power that fills us with happiness. As long as we maintain our dignity and respect and do not step beyond our borders. If you choose a person with the same views as you as the object of love, you will be able to offer each other the best of yourself.
  • Get to know your partner. Erich  Fromm would say we think we know each other, but in reality we don’t know each other at least completely. Every experience we go through affects us in some way. The only permanent thing is change. If you maintain a constant interest in your partner, routines cannot dilute your relationship with each other.
  • Get to know what kind of expressions of love you want to give and receive in return. There  are several different ways to show love. What kind of expressions of love you want to give and receive from each other will determine what kind of relationship you have. Best of all is mature and thoughtful love. The ultimate goal should be two separate people who become one but who are still themselves.
  • Accept the challenges and contradictions that come with a close relationship. It is by no means a question of no conflict in love, but of constantly facing challenges that partnerships must be able to meet so that they grow with them.
a big heart and a couple sitting on it

Love more

There is only one cure for love: you need to love more. When you face heartache, look to the future from a new perspective instead of stepping aside because you feel so defeated and discouraged.

Love is a skill. Love is also at the same time a process that requires creativity, care and authenticity. Love requires that you be willing to give respect and responsibility to another. By loving more, you will be able to fix all the problems in your life.

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