5 Unforgettable Quotes By Isabel Allenden

5 An unforgettable quote from Isabel Allende

The words conveyed here by Isabel Allende are etched with passion and commitment. So are his books, like Allende himself as a human being. They are a legacy of love, ferocious determination, and all the difficulties Allende has overcome during his life. We get a chance to learn about Allende’s life and struggles through the characters in her books, such as  Eva Luna  and  The House of Spirits.

Isabel Allende’s personal projects are as noteworthy as her written work. This outstanding children’s writer was an activist and one of the most inspiring feminists in Latin America.  He is a charismatic speaker and communicator. Allende’s thinking is clear and she is fully dedicated to inspiring and spreading awareness through her writing.

Allende is a journalist and a  tirelessly committed narrator.  She has dedicated her life to giving women a voice. Most of his work is supported by a psychological framework, which is exceptional and significant.

We can choose his book out of pure curiosity, but after just a few pages we are moved by the way he writes the nuances of humanity by painting our minds. Humor, tragedy, fantasy and life itself are openly expressed in his works. His writing caresses us and leaves us with not just one, but dozens of new doctrines.

That’s why it’s never crazier time to sit back and reflect for a moment on some of Isabel Allende’s words. With the help of these quotes, we can travel back to the pages of his books and  draw from them instructive and awesome thoughts to ponder more deeply.

flowers grow on the pages of the book

Borrowed from Isabel Allende

Love and Shadow, Paula, Eva Luna, Daughter of Mrs. Fortuna…  Isabel Allende has written a wide range of books. More than 65 million copies of his books have already been printed and translated into more than 30 languages.

Everyone finds their own favorite among the books, and each of them is valuable in its own way. The books are outspoken in nature and their characters inspire the reader. Every character he creates is truly human and approachable, yet magical.

All quotations below are taken from his literary production.

1. Death is oblivion

Isabel Allende has had to deal with a nearby death several times in her life. Losing her own daughter, Paula, was especially difficult for her. Letting go of the people we love is a test that no one can prepare for. However, we must do it, albeit reluctantly, angrily, and in the grip of an extraordinary amount of pain.

However, our pain beyond is relief. It is  the light of our memories that keeps our loved ones alive. This impulse makes us experience a connection with a person who no longer exists. It allows them to continue to be with us and fill a certain place in our hearts on a daily basis. You can always bring your lost loved one back to life in your imagination and memories.

woman looking at the sea

2. Inspiration and creativity

This is one of Allende’s most beautiful and truthful quotes from his book  The Japanese Lover,  originally called El amante japonés  . In the book, we meet a young Alma Velasco and a Japanese gardener named Ichimei. These two complex characters take us through a story that takes place in a historic moment.

Ichimei transports us with him to his skill and vocation: the secrets of gardening. It is a meditative and purposeful skill in which both inspiration and creativity as well as movement and stagnation go hand in hand.

3. Happiness means being brave

Living intensely means not allowing days to buck past as if someone were browsing the pages of a book half-heartedly. You should enjoy every single line and story the book wants to reveal to you. Existence means feeling, daring, forgetting diets, tasting situations, running in the rain without worrying about getting wet. It means loving without fear of losing and living without sorrow for tomorrow. All in all, we should only fear a life that has not been lived.

woman in a colored fog

4. Our demons

Can anyone dispute the veracity of these words? We each have more personal demons sneaking into the shadows of our personalities. They obscure our senses, our dreams, and our goals. They hide in the immature parts of our being that need to be ventilated, healed, and repaired. Instead of leaving the demons to act entirely on their own, we must face them face to face. This is the only way to understand yourself and be yourself.

5. Take responsibility for your own feelings

Sooner or later, everyone will have a day when we realize in barren simplicity the categorical truth that  life is not fair.  It may be fickle and ruthless at first, but moments later beautiful and perfect. In a situation where many circumstances are completely out of our control, we can only take responsibility for what we are and how we feel.

The way we encounter each stumbling block that hits our journey determines the quality of our lives. Mental responsibility is the key to balance and well-being in the whirlpool of a complex world.

woman reaching for birds

Indeed, many of Allend’s other words would also deserve a place on this list, which is inevitably too short. Let each find their own favorites that are recorded in a corner of the notebook to motivate everyday life. The ones chosen for this are quite a small example of the humanity, psychology, and emotional sensitivity that characterize this unforgettable author.

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