5 Ways To Overcome Laziness

5 ways to overcome laziness

You can call it laziness, indifference, lack of motivation, or idleness… Sometimes the crux of the problem doesn’t even come from these things, but from an overworked and overwhelmed mind. In any case, the end result is inefficiency in unfinished tasks.

Laziness has direct consequences for our quality of life: we either don’t do the things we should, or we do them very reluctantly. In the end, our self-esteem also suffers.

We feel laziness in many of our senses, even if we do not always know its origin correctly. We easily begin to defend it and numb it to bring a sense of idleness. Getting rid of laziness always requires a desire and a decision to do things differently. You can also take advantage of the tools in this article to help you get through the inch again.

How to overcome laziness?

There are many ways to get over laziness. Some situations require analyzing the origins of the problem and setting goals. However, life is not always as complicated as one might imagine.

The following strategies will help you in all situations. Start with these to see quick hands-on results. The following guidelines have the advantage of being easy and you don’t have to spend much time over-analyzing and thinking. The key is to learn to internalize the instructions so well that they will continue to serve you in similar situations.


Start with simple things

It may be obvious to say this, but getting things done always requires starting them. So it’s important to shift your thoughts to doing it yourself. Read and ponder the following riddle by Ana Moreno : “Three birds are sitting in a tree and two of them decide to jump down. How many birds are left in the tree? ”

There are still three birds in the tree. However, those two birds that thought they were jumping down didn’t actually do it. Thus, all birds remain on the branch. The same goes for laziness.

The essence of laziness is found in the question: Where would I start? Don’t complicate your life too much and try to start doing simple things. Choose which things come before others and which only after. This may not be the best way to organize  everything, but getting rid of laziness always requires simply starting something.

Proceed step by step

Another of the biggest reasons for our laziness is that we are hitting ourselves with too big tasks that will eventually overwhelm us. To overcome congestion, it is good to divide tasks into smaller parts and maintain overall motivation.


This requires a little thought, but is not that difficult at all. Divide your task into three, four or five parts. You can also divide things into several parts according to your needs, but avoid redundancy. If the tasks still seem overwhelming, start with the first section and then redistribute according to your ability. The key is to find the right pace to do things and schedule your work in a way that you like.

Ideally, you should be able to divide everything into small parts and evolve through them. In itself, this can seem like a tricky and even daunting task. It is important to note that the goal is by no means to maximize our productivity, but simply to overcome laziness. Productivity will sooner or later follow.

Make lists of things not to do

Sometimes things that are not done can cause chaos that can be difficult to control. We lose our temper and everything seems to pile up. How could you start doing things if you don’t even know what and how to do it? Not to mention that you would be able to systematically divide things into parts in the midst of all that mess.

To rectify the situation, you should take a breath and sit down for a moment. Start unpacking things by making lists for yourself : write down everything you should do, and outline for yourself a sensible way to start putting things into practice. Listing things will help structure your mind and at the same time give yourself a moment to think about what’s to come.


You can start by dropping off unnecessary tasks and moving less important ones to another day. This helps to map the order of priority of tasks. To get started, it’s a good idea to first choose the simplest thing to take care of, which doesn’t take much of your time to do. Your mind gets used to the idea of ​​doing and you can continue the list step by step further. Don’t judge yourself or try to manage the problem intellectually. Stay calm and cross out things as soon as you get them done.

Illustrate the benefits of the tasks done

When laziness takes over, it is good for your mind to focus your thoughts on the benefits of the things you have accomplished. Perceiving the benefits will help you gather energy and motivation for yourself. By focusing on the end result, your mind is freed from resistance that keeps you from getting to work.

Outlining things also helps to weigh options for possible problem situations.

Remove distractions

Most of the time, distractions cause laziness and only make us move things that are not done forward.

Whatever bothers you, remove it: be aware of your own distractions and make sure nothing gets in the way of what you are doing. This is handled quite effortlessly and does not require any greater self-examination.

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