7 Benefits Of Reading

The benefits of reading 7

Reading affects your mind and life in many ways. For example, on the psychological side of the issue, it has been proven that people who read actively are able to improve their own nervous connection.

Moreover, speaking on an emotional level, it has been shown that when a person reads – mainly fiction – his ability to understand other people’s mental movements as well as the ability to  experience empathy for other people increases greatly.

The benefits of reading

Reading allows us to experience new experiences. But how? Well, this is quite simple. Literature, and fiction in particular, has a great emotional impact on the  reader and makes it possible to experience feelings that might otherwise have taken him decades to learn, as well as empathy for the characters in the book while the reader identifies with them during the narrative.

Literature is a great reality simulator.  It’s like a time machine that instantly takes you to different situations and eras, each with its own special features and character.

This helps us to be kinder to other people because  it teaches us to see the world from another person’s perspective  and allows us to consider all the consequences and problems that our actions may cause others. In addition, it teaches us about the simplicity of virtues such as kindness, generosity, and compassion.

Good literature has always opposed hegemonic systems whose sole purpose is to prioritize the search for money and power. The writers align themselves with a view that is quite the opposite of the world. They  help us empathize with thoughts and feelings that replace hypocrisy and old-fashioned attitudes toward the world.

Literature is an excellent remedy for loneliness. In a good book, we will no doubt find characters we can identify with and then find the richness of knowledge hidden in the verses of that story. When a book is interesting,  it demands a full 100% of our attention and loneliness eventually just disappears  as the book becomes our best friend and companion.

Writers push us to open our hearts and minds because they provide us with exactly the tools we need to free ourselves from the paranoia and feeling of being chased that all too often take over our psyche.

Finally, we would like to add that the literature is very useful also because  it helps us better prepare for failure. No one wants to fail in life, but between the pages of a good book you can find tools to help you recognize that failure is real, that you can cope with it and even use it to your advantage, making us stronger and ultimately capable of achieving the success we desire.

Reading is a great way for anyone because its benefits, just like the ones we mentioned above, are always the same no matter what age the reader is or what his or her situation may be. It is obvious that each age group has their own preferences and needs, but the results are nonetheless the same.

Literature could be thought of as an elixir that helps us go through life a little wiser and more proudly. So  if you have the opportunity to read a good book, then don’t take this precious gift for granted.

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