7 Keys To Stopping Excessive Worry

7 Keys to Stopping Excessive Worry

Some people tend to worry too much about things. This is commonly known as extreme anxiety. This is about constant thinking, losing the ability to function, and filling oneself with suffering. In other words, a lot of thinking, a little doing, feeling bad, and clinging to it all.

This is what happens when we are full of uncertainty or overwhelmed by our fears. The fact that we have so much anxiety means that we have doubts, which is not such a bad thing. But what is negative is when these doubts and inaction become a way of life.

Hardly anyone will be able to come to an effective conclusion if he worries too much. We will only be crushed by worry and fear will intensify with every action. In the end, we will not be able to achieve our goals: an accurate, complete and harmless result. Therefore, it is not worth it. These are just some tips to avoid it.

1. Setting deadlines for decisions

If we allow ourselves all the time in the world to make a decision, and we also tend to worry too much, the surest way is to do nothing. It would cost us too much if we gave up something to earn something else. And this is part of all decisions.

pen flies

The best way to avoid this is to set ourselves a deadline for what we are dealing with. It would be wise if we did not give this too much time, even if the decision was complicated. At the end of the day, most decisions wouldn’t take more than an hour.

2. Don’t put off things you need to do

When we postpone what we have to do, the situation draws us. If it is already clear that we need to do something, there is no reason to wait until the next moment. We just have to do it and keep it cool.

The problem is that pending actions only lead to excessive worry. We need to make a plan and plan a course of action. This takes away from us our precious time that we could have dedicated to something much more lucrative.

3. Give things a timeline

Sometimes we think a lot of little things. Small situations or choices that aren’t very important. How is it possible that we tend to think all too much. We end up turning those little things into something much bigger than they really are.

a man stands in the sea storms

A good technique is to organize important things to be done in a week, month, or year. What sanctions will arise in the event that we fail to meet the timeline. If it doesn’t affect anything in the long or short term, let’s not think about it too much.

4. The end of time

There are certain circumstances that do not favor rational thinking. For example, when we are tired  our reasoning is slower and we also tend to be more irritable. That is why we easily fall into thinking negatively.

What is most likely to happen when we have not eaten, are emotional, or are on a negative surface? In these cases, we do not allow ourselves to think. Let’s simply say to ourselves “not now.” Let’s wait for a better moment.

5. Don’t think of vague fear

There is nothing more difficult than feeling fear. Many subjects of fear threaten us as we live in a skeptical society and therefore  uncertainty is a permanent part of life, even though we act in many different ways to avoid this.

woman with thought bubble

When we experience such latent fear, it is really important to define what it is. What are we really afraid of? Most likely, this reasoning makes us see that in reality there is no reason to feel this way.

6. Release control and get too much worry out

We have to admit that there is nothing in life that does not suggest even a small risk. When someone is constantly doubting and starting to worry about everything far too much, of  course we then want to control everything that cannot be controlled. 

One way or another, each of our actions is a small risk-taking. If we seek to destroy that risk, we will only begin a cycle of neurotic inaction. Even inaction can involve risks. So it’s better to let things happen the way they are supposed to happen.

7. Sleep well

Much of our physical life works well thanks to sleep. Proper sleep provides us with a thorough foundation for maintaining good physical and mental health. Lack of sleep has negative consequences. In addition to them, it makes our thoughts confuse and our minds wander.

stop worrying too much and lying in a hammock

Sleep is one of the activities we need to protect. Don’t let anything change it, especially the ritual of excessive thinking.

All of these tips and guidelines that we’ve turned into habits are a great help. Excessive worrying takes us nowhere. It’s just one of the ways that keeps us from living a good life.

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