7 Reasons Why Special Sensitivity Is A Gift

7 reasons why special sensitivity is a gift

You probably already know, as do I, that there are both pros and cons to special sensitivity. However, now is the time to change the view that special sensitivity would be a bad thing when it comes to managing our experiences.

It’s time to understand that sensitivity only means being in a more active and productive way with yourself.

If you still think this is a negative thing, I would like you to read the following 7 reasons why special sensitivity is a gift.

1. Sensitivity makes you more honest

Special sensitivity encourages you to act in a way that matches your inner feelings, because if you didn’t do that, your feelings would no longer be able to flow. This means that you share your feelings more easily with many others. You show your every moment of emotion through every pore of your skin, be it negative or positive.

happy girl with special sensitivity

You give yourself permission to be authentic and exactly what you are. Honestly, without restrictions. Many may think that living in this way would mean making a number for yourself in a certain way. But what really matters is what your heart feels. It will never be silenced by others. The stronger this feature is, the freer you can live exactly the way you want to.

2. Your feelings are intense

You feel twice as much as most people. You feel every single feeling of yours intensely: love, pain, disappointment, and joy.

From a social perspective, we have been made to see intensity as a bad thing. It is thought that if we are unable to control it, we will not be able to control ourselves either.

However, I ask myself, what’s wrong with that if you don’t want to let life just pass you by. Get to know each of your feelings, say every one of your words, and live each of your moments intensely, then your existence will be incredibly wonderful.

3. You are connected to life

In my opinion, one of the finest things that comes with special sensitivity is that a person is really able to connect with their life. Just about every single day matters. Everything is important, because there is a reason behind every thing. It allows you to see all the magic around you. It allows you to understand why you are who you are. The reason for the existence of yourself and your loved ones.

The acts are not something ordinary and stereotypical. You accept that in life you have to jump by the flow. That people change. You are grateful for what you feel and know how to enjoy. In addition, you give yourself permission to let the current carry you. Therefore, you are free. Free to realize that there is a reason for everything, that is, for everything.

4. Your heart radiates to yourself and your loved ones

As a particularly sensitive person, you experience each emotion especially strongly. Thus, your ability to empathize develops to an incredible level and this way you can be a truly compassionate person if you decide to use this gift properly.

You can make any external situation your own, as life offers you the task of listening and helping selflessly. You will learn that you get to say “no,” but that you will also always be happy to offer your help to those who deserve your selfless love and radiant heart.


5. Your intuition is like a star dropped on the ground 

You are so sensitive that you are able to feel things that many people are unable to notice. I am sure that when you allow yourself to be carried away and let the basics be forgotten, your intuition will come to life in a supernatural way. You can make it a powerful tool for feeling good and happy.

You give yourself permission to sense situations and feelings, both your own and those of other people. In this way, you take care of your innermost being and especially your love for yourself, life and loved ones. You offer them effective help completely subconsciously. This will make your heart bigger, believe me.

6. You know how to interact with others

I admit that this has happened to me recently with my partner. When you are a particularly sensitive person, you absorb the light that the people you interact with emit. Just like reading a treasure map. This radiation will lead you to that person’s potentials, needs, and incredible secrets…

You are very sensitive, which allows you to know more and understand other people’s needs in a much more intense way than normal. All of this allows you to create unconscious, intense bonds with your loved ones and your environment.

7. Special sensitivity is part of your deepest being

Many people will not understand you. They may even underestimate and discourage you because they are unable to understand that sensitivity is something beautiful and good.

Remember that when something scares us people, we tend to deny it right away, without stopping to think about whether it is really helpful.


Just as it has happened to me, you must have felt misunderstood more than once, and you must have had the feeling that there is something funny in your life. I hope that through these 7 reasons, you will realize the endless potential of your gift that you are all entitled to enjoy.

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