7 Things People Who Get Over Depression Do

7 things people who get over depression do

People who have gotten over depression know that sometimes our bodies cannot defeat our souls. They also know that recurrence of depression is really common. The cold shadow of depression is always around the corner waiting for us.

But getting out of that tunnel once has given them new tools that they use every day. Better perspective, perseverance and a positive attitude are their life jackets.

Some people see depression as a fever of mental disorders. And it is also becoming more common. It’s like a “strain” that becomes more resilient and causes more chaos.

Unfortunately, people experience this quietly and alone. According to statistics, less than 40% of people seek help from professionals. And of this 40%, men in particular are those who oppose asking for help from professionals.

But in addition to these statistics and the fact that today the World Health Organization sees depression as an epidemic, there is another factor that is just as important. This factor is the recurrence itself. Studies show that there is a 50% chance of recurrence after recovery. In other words, recurrence is a real danger. It is therefore of the utmost importance that both professionals and patients themselves work together to create a recurrence prevention plan.

This plan is designed to develop a healthier mental, physical, and emotional lifestyle. This means using certain strategies, perspectives, and tools in a patient’s daily life. All of these help the patient reduce the impact of all stressors, identify different triggers, and create the right psychological mindset.

the woman has overcome depression

What do people usually do to get over depression?

We don’t need to be made of some supernatural substance to get over depression. We don’t have to be supermen or superwomen. Everywhere we are there are friends, family members, co-workers, teenagers and children who have let people help those who have learned something from that process. And now they handle life better.

It’s the kind of lesson we shouldn’t waste. One thing these all people understand is that depression is a chronic illness. This means we need to be smart and committed, and able to control our feelings and thoughts.

It means we must learn to live in harmony with that shadow, but we must never let it define us. Next, we’re going to look at a few strategies people use to get over depression.

1. Fighting apathy with new interests

Grief, loss of interest, apathy. These three things form a dark triangle around most cases of depression. But if we let them take hold of us, we will only end up in the wind. We’re just going to cling to the web of discouragement and hand out our keys directly to our depression.

Therefore, people who have walked this path in the past and reached the end of this path have strategies and tools that are most likely to be useful while they find themselves on this path again. So when we find apathy or fatigue closing our bodies and minds, we need to act.

  • These people are looking for new points of interest: they are learning something new and adding new activities to their routines.
  • They make reforms to their daily habits to find new motivations to do different things.
  • They spend time with positive people and good friends.

2. They can identify triggers: they say no to worrying

Worrying (repetitive, negative thought) is what forms the basis of depression. It means the stage when our mistakes start to get obsessed with us. Our minds get stuck and start anticipating things and attracting misfortune and gloomy clouds even on a sunny day. This is not a good pattern at all.

People who have gotten over depression know that cognitive therapy can be a great help in these times. We need to change our perspective, break the cycle of negativity and make ourselves emergency exits.

eye and prism

3. They get up with determination

Getting up in the morning with no goals is like throwing all day in the trash. Opening your eyes to a new day without any motivation is like starting a day with your heart shut down. As if nothing could bother our minds…

If we want to avoid renewal, we need to give ourselves a purpose – concrete goals. We can make them as simple as owning an afternoon for ourselves, buying a book, booking a trip, or meeting a friend.

4. They have learned to say “no”

Setting boundaries is the key to health. People who endure above all before long crumble. In addition, one of the most common causes of depression is the idea that we can deal with just about anything.  The way of thinking that getting along with everyone means that we are good people is another big mistake. It will definitely consume us to the end.

People who have overcome depression realize that they need to set boundaries in their lives. They say “no” when it feels right and “yes” when they want to. This is a great way to be happy and live a healthy life.

5. Moderate daily exercise

Bodies that move are not so sad. People who walk, dance, swim, jump or stretch their muscles give themselves a huge amount of endorphins. They improve blood circulation and oxygen supply to their brains. All of this leads to higher serotonin levels, which in turn protects us from sadness.

walking outdoors to get over depression

6. They say “yes” to a good diet

A good diet is not a cure for depression-related disorders. But it can really help protect against them for a few reasons. First, we pay attention to something else: we make sure we buy good food, try new recipes, and so on.

A diet high in tryptophan, magnesium, antioxidants and vitamins is excellent because these elements help us produce more serotonin. 

7. They use awareness skills to avoid falling back into depression

One proven way to prevent falling back into depression is to practice mindfullness. In fact, there are several studies that talk about the benefits of awareness as a psychological strategy to reduce the daily effects of anxiety and stress. This meditation technique:

  • Helps us to be more aware of our feelings.
  • To break the cycle of worrying thoughts.
  • To reduce stress-related physical symptoms.
  • Helps us think about our immediate experiences so we can prioritize and make better decisions.
  • Helps us explore other options and awaken our creativity and intuition around who we are as individuals.

Before we finish this article, we want to make it clear that everyone needs to find their own strategy, their own playlist. You have to find your  driving force. Find out which tools work best for you to put aside the apathy, depression, and pain that are part of the demon we call depression.

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