8 Ways To End Suffering According To Buddhism

8 Ways to End Suffering According to Buddhism

Buddhism has a very special way of dealing with pain. This philosophy represents the idea that it is possible to end all suffering, even though it is a part of life that cannot be avoided. Although life causes us pain, we are not doomed to suffer passively. There are 8 ways to stop suffering.

According to Buddhism, in order to end suffering, the first task is to accept its existence. All people experience pain, sooner or later. Opposing it only makes it worse.

Accepting pain does not mean devotion to it. Buddhism states that suffering arises from desire, and thus the quickest way to end suffering is to learn to resist desire. This philosophy, in turn, shows that there is a “noble octagonal path” or 8 ways to end suffering that should be practiced freely in order for peace and harmony to prevail in our lives.

1. The right perspective

The best way to be reasonable is not to condemn. Instead of deciding whether something is good or bad, you should try to fully understand its nature. Many people act the wrong way. But who are you to judge them?

Buddhist monk

To end suffering, it is necessary to cultivate a holistic attitude rather than condemnation. It is not your job to evaluate, approve, or judge the use of others. Like they don’t have the power to do it for you.

2. The right solution – reinforce noble purposes

There is a big difference between successful and noble goals. The former are inspired by personal praise, which often end up in emptiness. Your own victory gives you applause, but does it have any universal purpose?

Buddhism, on the other hand, asks people to affirm noble purposes. It is a way to end suffering because it always leads to great satisfaction that others can share with you. Knowing yourself to be useful and purposeful gives more meaning to your effort.

3. Correct speech – be honest and careful with your words

Words give life, but they also take it with them. They make you and they can also destroy you. When words come from a pure soul, they are a balm to the world. Words convey understanding, love, and brotherhood. They comfort, motivate, and praise the greatest values ​​of life.

by meditating it is possible to end suffering

Sometimes, however, words are also used to lie, hurt, or belittle. No one can be happy if he hurts others through their own words. Sooner or later, it will retaliate and eventually harm a person with such language.

4. Proper behavior – don’t hurt others

One principle is present in almost all ethical ways in different cultures. You must not kill others or threaten their lives. This is not only about physical things, it is also symbolic; it can be psychic.

To end the suffering, it is important that you do not make others suffer, as that would be a great contradiction. Likewise, an excessive amount of anything (even positive) will harm your well-being and should be avoided. There is no better way to achieve harmony than to maintain balance in your life in your own way.

5. Proper livelihood – earn your livelihood through hard work

It is not appropriate to try to build a lifestyle that is maintained by something other than your own work. When this happens, self-esteem decreases and changes.

Work changes people and makes us better. It is a way to develop dignity, growth and serve others. Idleness sooner or later leads to dissatisfaction and anxiety. We stop, and it leads us to lose our best virtues and abilities.

Buddhist monks and elephant

6. The right effort – cultivate virtues

It is not possible to end suffering if you do not begin the path of continuous improvement. Virtue is not, in general, something that falls from heaven, but is actually the fruit of patient cultivation. It is a direct result of the effort.

Cultivating virtues also raises your self-love. It makes you see yourself as a real person in the process of learning and growing. It allows you to be open to criticism and mistakes and see opportunities for improvement.

7. Proper vigilance – open observation

If you want to stop suffering, it is essential to stay alert to the messages your body sends. Our bodies warn us of any imbalance. It warns us of potentially harmful lifestyles.

You should also be aware of how you are doing. You should not try to judge yourself or punish yourself. Instead, it’s important that you see yourself as a bystander and make an effort to get to know yourself better.

8. True samadhi – learn to calm your mind

When the mind is carried away by emotions, it loses its power.  And if we indulge in uncontrollable feelings or passions, we will easily end up in situations that will eventually cause more suffering.

the man's mind is a maze

Every person needs to find the right ways to help their own mind calm down in times of confusion, fear, or anxiety. When you act under these influences, you make the most mistakes. That is why it is important to learn to control these feelings.

The eight ways to end suffering are the result of ancient wisdom. It is also a detailed guide to encountering the world and life. If you use it for a long time, it can lead to inner balance, harmony and peace in your heart.

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