9 Important Books On Psychology

9 important books on psychology

Books on psychology, also known as self-help literature, are among the most sought-after books today. Controlling our emotions and understanding how we function internally is vital for us to live a full life. For this reason, psychology books are an excellent tool for acquiring knowledge as well as promoting personal growth.

Self-help books cover many topics and areas that interest us on our path to personal growth. What may help us depends on what we are struggling with or in which area of ​​our lives we want to develop or what we want to face.

In this article, we talk about nine books on psychology that we at Miracles of the Mind recommend and consider the most impressive.

1. Paul Watzlawickin The Art of Making Your Life Miserable

This book is a short book on psychology written in very simple language. It’s full of  anecdotes that tell us about the kind of wrong attitudes we have on a daily basis that prevent us from being happy. That book is without a doubt one of the most recommended books on psychology of all time.

The book also helps us identify the formulas we use to deal with different situations. Through the book, we discover  how we create our own unhappy and unhappy realities with our thoughts. All of this is a great opportunity to get to know yourself.

can fit in the mind

2. Rafael Santandreun The Art of Not Making Your Life Miserable

The quote at the beginning of the article is from this book. We are not sure whether this book is an answer to the book mentioned above, but the fact is that this deals with the same subject, albeit in a very different way.

In this book on psychology, Santandreu, one of the most important Spanish psychologists, talks about the  behaviors and attitudes that are most dangerous to mental health and how they can harm our quality of life.

3. Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence

This work has been translated into Finnish and can be found under the title  Emotional Intelligence. The whole picture of talent. It is highly recommended and is now referred to by many psychologists. In this book, the  author brilliantly analyzes the relationship between thought and emotion.

Daniel Goleman also offers his theory of emotional intelligence and shows us how we can become more deeply acquainted with this intelligence. This book is a well-known book in psychology and  helps us better understand ourselves and the people around us.

4. Wayne Dyerin Your Erroneous Zones

This work has been translated into Finnish and is entitled  Accept Yourself – Dare to Live. Despite the fact that the book was written several years ago, many psychologists still use it as a reference today. The book tells us about  misbehaviors that prevent us from being happy  and gives us practical tools to create positive change.

The book is actually one of the most practical books in psychology because it provides exercises in each chapter. Exercises that help you  recognize what your absurd beliefs are and how you make your life sometimes complicated , such as caring, feeling guilty, or needing to be accepted by others.

5. Walter Rison Love or Dependency?

This is one of the most recommended books on psychology for people who want to understand how  to create positive relationships between people  based on healthy love and not mental addiction.

Love or Dependency  gives us the tools to experience love and relationships perfectly while overcoming mental addiction.

6. Oliver Sacksin The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat

This work has been translated into Finnish as the  Man Who Thought His Wife was a Hat. Such psychology is quite atypical. It talks about  diseases that can be found through psychological counseling  and how these diseases affect patients. The author does this by telling twenty medical records in a very human way in the form of a novel.

woman and hat

7. Bernabé Tiernon Powerful Mind

Right now, there is a belief that we are slaves to our thoughts. We believe that change is not possible and the only option is to limit ourselves to submission. In this book, Bernabé Tierno teaches us that the mind is our best weapon  and how we can use it to create positive change. A strong mind  helps to reveal the hidden mechanisms of our brains.

8. Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking, Fast and Slow

The work has been translated into Finnish as  Thinking, Fast and Slow. This book unexpectedly became an international success. The author introduces two ways or systems that control how we think as well as help us understand how  to improve our quality of life with the quality of our thoughts.

Daniel Kahneman surprises us by showing us how unreliable our brains can be. Our brains are full of delusions as well as false and often unfinished reasoning.

9. Charles Duhiggin Power of Habit

Habits are a part of our lives and they also determine our well-being. We need to be aware of them and change those who bring nothing positive into our lives. This book is an excellent tool for achieving that.

These are nine books in psychology that we encourage you to read, whether you have set a goal to learn more about this area or want to pursue well-being and satisfaction in your life in general. We hope you find these suggestions helpful.

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