Can New Technology Be Used As A Therapy Tool?

Can new technology be used as an aid to therapy?

New technology has changed our habits, habits and lifestyles. Today, we don’t even leave home without smartphones and constantly check our email and social network. This new technology has come to stay, because – among other reasons – we have built our lives around them.

There are thousands of nostalgic people giving up on these new forms of communication and what they mean. But it is undeniable that they can help us to have a much better quality of life (though not necessarily). In the field of psychology, new technology is increasingly being used as a therapeutic aid, as it has several important advantages.

Sometimes new technology is used as a therapeutic aid because it reduces costs, gives busy or high-travel people access to different services, or because it can stimulate different situations in which exposure to therapy can be controlled. People have begun to use technological tools in psychology to treat a number of diseases, including certain phobias, Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

flight simulator

Virtual reality

From a cognitive behavioral perspective, one way to treat certain phobias is to expose the subject of fear. However, for certain phobias, actual exposure can be difficult or even dangerous, which is why some psychologists have begun to use technology. For example, flight stimulators are used to address the fear of flying, which are very similar to those used by pilots in training.

Virtual reality can be a useful way to successfully approach a feared object or situation. It can be applied to the fear of animals, the fear of high places, or even the fear of public speaking. This method is increasingly used as virtual stimuli become more realistic.

Another benefit of virtual reality is the ability to receive therapy at home. Of course, technology cannot replace trained therapists, but it can facilitate tasks that a client can work on at home. It is a resource that can be financial in terms of both time and money. It is not the only aid that can be used to treat phobias, but it is a good addition to therapy.

Computer-assisted cognitive stimulation

Cognitive stimulation is a type of intervention aimed at engaging in certain cognitive functions. It can be used to strengthen and improve functions that may have been affected by disease. This method is commonly used in people with dementia and works on memory, language skills and related activities.

Many cognitive stimulation programs have been developed that utilize tablets and computers. The treatment of dementia was initially their main goal, but now they are also used for other diseases such as ADHD, stroke and brain injuries. This method is very versatile and allows the treatment to be modified to be more individual at a low cost.

For the older population, the use of new technology is already a stimulus in itself, as they need to learn to use it. Many scientific studies use cognitive stimulation with new technology with positive results.

Social media as a therapy tool?

Future considerations for the use of technology as a therapeutic tool

Technology is promisingly becoming the most widely used method in psychotherapy. For example, there are already psychologists who offer therapy classes through Skype and there are applications specifically designed to monitor your mood. You can also find thousands of apps that promise to improve your mental health. The amount of technology available is growing and it is important to be able to identify which ones are beneficial to you.

Not all applications fulfill the original promise of improving mental health. When choosing an app, look for studies that support it. In any case, applications can never replace a professional. They can be used as an aid to therapy and can alleviate or enhance the effect of therapy, but they are never a substitute for proper psychology.

Finally, we want to emphasize the role of technology in the management of psychometric tests. It can significantly speed up the evaluation phase and report the results immediately. In this way, the psychologist does not have to “evaluate” the test, he can only interpret the results and combine them with other test results and assessments. Thus, the psychologist can spend more time creating accurate assessment tools.

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