Improve Your Memory And Concentration

Develop your memory and ability to concentrate

A few days ago I was immensely angry when I tried to cook with a recipe I had received on one of my trips. I hadn’t written instructions for anything, but had memorized the recipe. When I started preparing food, I suddenly realized that I had forgotten a few ingredients in the recipe. My memory, or perhaps my ability to concentrate (the last few weeks have been really momentary and stressful in my life), had left me in dire straits.

Small stuff like this can happen to us quite often due to stressful conditions to which we are often exposed even on a daily basis. Therefore, practicing and sharpening memory as well as improving the ability to concentrate are important things for self-development every single day. 

In this article, we’ll give you a few helpful tips on how these  mind  processes can be improved and maximized.

Useful tips to improve memory

Memory is the basic process of the mind that we use to organize ourselves and our thoughts, and to remember important experiences and events long after they have taken place. It is also one of the activities to which we should pay the most attention, as the passage of time has a staggeringly direct effect on it. After all, we all know that the older we get, the more our memory may need refreshment and support to function as the former model. Here are  some helpful tips for sharpening and exercising your memory: 

  • Make sure you get enough sleep and rest. We often think there is no problem and nothing sleeps a little less than we are used to and that even if we do this regularly, our brains are able to function 100% normally nonetheless. However, this is not true. Nowadays, it is recommended to sleep at least 7 hours a night every night so that the brain can process all the information gathered while awake adequately and thus improve long-term memory.
  • Do regular exercise. According to research by the University of Pittsburgh,  exercising relieves tension and may help improve spatial memory. 
    woman stretching
  • Eat chocolate, which is not only a wonderful treat, but also a great way when you want to enhance your memory and learning. According to Very Interesting , a study conducted in 2013 proved that the composition and ingredients of cocoa contribute significantly to cognitive function.
  • Combine different concepts with images. This is much more than just advice, as this is really worth practicing every single day, especially if you happen to be at a stage in your life where you need to constantly read exams or exams. When you make a connection to a concrete image in your mind, your memory will then be able to store the information much more efficiently.
  • Take photos in your mind. As in the previous example, you can take photos of everything you see and would like to remember in the future as you remember. This will do for almost any memory you want to keep in mind. This way, you can go back to it over and over again and look at the details of the image in your mind.

Useful tips to improve your ability to concentrate

We remembered often leaving us in trouble because our ability to concentrate was not at the required height from the beginning. Staying focused is a key prerequisite for productivity in virtually any task. To improve your ability to concentrate and do your job more efficiently, you may want to check out these tips:

  • Go for a walk for no reason other than just walking. As you do this, you will become liberated and you will also find time to think for yourself. It’s really relaxing to walk around and watch the scenery without any special goals and let yourself forget all your worries for a moment. This kind of total relaxation will help you accumulate concentration.
  • Write using complex fonts. This tip is aimed primarily at people who need to focus on reading someone’s written text, as research has shown that the font you use to read or study your text can very well affect how well the things you read stay in your head afterwards. The harder it is for your brain to process the font, the more you put your focus on reading the text.
  • Sit down for a few minutes to lighten the ballast on your shoulders. Just like walking, sitting for about ten minutes can help relieve worry  and feelings of stress considerably. Most of the time, there are so many different concerns in our heads that they prevent us from focusing on the things that really matter. This exercise is really an effective way to organize all the ideas throwing in your thoughts and relieve stressful stress.
woman sitting
  • Prepare everything you need to complete the task in advance and find the best place to complete it. You may have so many things at once that require precise focus at the same time that you may not be able to focus on even one of them properly. So it’s good to focus on just one activity at a time, prepare everything you need to do it, and find a suitable place to do it.
  • Set short-term goals. Goals that are too idealistic can seem too demanding and confusing. This is why you should set yourself  goals that you really feel is possible and realistic to achieve. By doing this, you will quickly realize that your ability to concentrate will improve as you gradually begin to approach the goals you set for yourself in advance.

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