A Beautiful Metaphor For A House Without A Host

A beautiful metaphor for a house without a host

The metaphor of a house without a host tells the story of a family consisting of a mother, a father, and their 9-year-old son. The three of them lived in a beautiful house where, fortunately, they always had everything they needed. Both mom and dad had always made sure of it. They both worked so they could live comfortably.

The boy was obedient and did well in school. The babysitter picked her up from school every afternoon. He then took him home, where a delicious lunch was always waiting for him. The mother always left precise instructions so that her son ate healthy and nutritious food.

In the afternoon, both mom and dad called home to check that their son was all right. They did so because when they came home in the evening, the boy was usually already asleep. This was their way of keeping in touch with their son. The story of a house without a host tells us that the boy felt gratitude, but also loneliness.

Strange question

One day the mother came home from work and saw that the boy was waiting for her awake. He was surprised because it was already late at night. Had something happened? Was he sick? He was worried, so he started asking him all sorts of questions. The boy asked him to calm down. He had been waiting for him only because he wanted to ask him something.

This story tells that the mother sat next to her son and gave him his full attention. The mother was ready to listen to what the son had to say. The boy asked him, “How much do you earn per hour in your work?” Mom was very confused. He had not expected this question.

Before answering, Mom asked, “Why do you want to know? Do you need something? Do you want me to buy you something? ” The boy just said he wanted to know the exact amount. Even more confused, the woman replied, “100 euros an hour.” The boy looked pleased. Then he said another good night to his mother and went to sleep.

The woman was worried. He thought his son’s question was a sign that something was wrong. He didn’t think it made any sense. Did he want to ask for something and couldn’t? Did he have money problems? When Dad came home, Mom told him what had happened. They both decided to pay more attention to their son.

boy and dog

New question

Two months later, nothing new had happened. Her parents thought she had asked it just because she was genuinely curious. However, one night Dad came home very late at night, as usual. The boy came out of his room and went to his father. He had been waiting for his father. Dad was surprised. Had something happened? Did he have a problem?

The boy asked him the same thing he had asked his mother, “How much do you earn per hour in your work?” Dad immediately replied, “I earn 100 euros.” After thinking about it for a moment, the boy’s look changed. The father asked his son, “What are you thinking?” However, the boy said nothing. “Tell me what you want!” asked his very upset father. “Nothing, nothing,” replied the boy, who was pretty scared.

After that, the father decided to talk to the babysitter. He wanted to know if this had noticed anything strange or unusual in the boy’s behavior. The nurse said, “No.” Perhaps the only thing that was different now was that the boy went to his friend every day and always came back a few hours later.

boy playing in the woods

The end of the story

The father suspected that his son was hiding something. For this reason, he postponed some of his jobs and decided to spy on his son. He wanted to know the reason why he went to his friend every day.

Then one day, as usual, the boy went to his friend again. The father noticed that his son spent time there mowing the lawn and washing the cars. Then he came back home.

family hug

Then the father asked his son what was going on. Why did he go to his friend’s house to work? Why was he so worried about money? The boy was surprised to be revealed, so he decided to confess. He worked because he needed money. “I’ve already earned 100 euros,” he said. “Now I can pay my mom so she can spend an hour with me. I just have to earn more so I can pay you too. ”

The metaphor of a house without a host is a good lesson for those parents who spend more time at work than with their children. The happiness of children is not that they get everything material they want. The most important thing for them is the connection with their parents.

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