A Desire That Can Never Be Satisfied

A desire that can never be satisfied

Plato once said that we only love what we want and that we only want what we cannot get.

Even in his time, people felt this exhausting feeling, which is also quite well known today: a permanent dissatisfaction with life.

This feeling seems to occur most often in romantic relationships. There are so many people who glorify love. They want it to be perfect, just the right amount.

This nostalgic romance, this love of falling in love (and not with any particular person) is what makes us feel constant dissatisfaction. This idea of ​​love is not based on reality. It’s more based on a fantasy of how things could be.

In the few cases where this form of love leads to a relationship, individuals feel joy, they feel intoxicated. It fills the emptiness that has caused them to suffer for so long.

Desire and enjoyment

There are so many people who find desire for pleasure. Longing, dreaming, wishing, and glorifying bring them pleasure.

But then when they get what they wanted, they get bored. Then when they have what was meant to make them feel full, they no longer have room for desire.


They end up running away, looking for a new dose of longing and desire. For this is something that really makes them feel alive.

Even though they suffer, it’s still sweet and addictive. They think there is always something better somewhere. And if not, they just haven’t realized it, and that’s why they continue their search.

Often we think that happiness can be found somewhere else. Even if we just found it somewhere waiting for us, our dissatisfaction would disappear.

But in the end, we realize that this is not quite the case. In fact, we already have everything we need to feel full. If we just knew how to change a few things in our lives – that rarely require money – we wouldn’t have to look for happiness anywhere else.

Learn to love what you have

It’s perfectly normal to want something we don’t have, and in most cases this is also a positive source of motivation. But when desire becomes a need and when it leads to pain, then we get stuck and begin to feel empty,  fragmented, and dissatisfied.

That’s why it’s important to learn to love what we have, whether it’s a relationship, a job, friends, or a hometown. There are a lot of positives in those things that other people would like for themselves.

You need to wipe the stains of routine and disappointment out of your glasses, change your lenses,  and voluntarily change those parts of your life that you don’t like. And do this with as much hope as possible.

girl and unsatisfied desire

If you are able to be grateful and appreciate every day of your life, then you will stop missing things you never had. You learn to live in an instant and be happy, whatever happened. You accept adversity, and you get something positive out of every experience.

Stop letting your mind wander into the future and stop constantly complaining about your life. Stay where you are, take risks and change the things you don’t like in your life.

But don’t miss perfection or impossible dreams that can never come true. What you already have is perfect. So why not start making the most of it?

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