Are You Addicted To Chaos?

Are you addicted to chaos?
There are more people addicted to chaos than you can imagine. They are always at least fifteen minutes late and they arrive late running and panting. They apologize and blame the traffic.

They are also desperate at the end of the month when the bills arrive and no matter how many times they find that they have wasted more than they can afford and now they have serious problems. Everything is lost, they never find anything and they always mess with the information.

They are also teasers. They are the people who fight for everything. They blame the merchant because the price of the biscuits has risen. They approach a taxi driver who drove too slowly, even though traffic doesn’t let him move down the street. They fight for something or something all the time.

Addicts of chaos are also hugely messy. Their wardrobe is the actual chamber of horrors. There may be an orange next to the sweater and under the pile of badly scythe clothes may be the keys to the front door that they lost two months ago. If someone questions their mess, they deny it. They say they don’t have time, that order is only for those who “are not busy.”

Dependence on chaos and its physical location

All dependencies are related to some degree of dependence on a substance. When the object of addiction is chaos, it is a substance that is already inside our body and is called “adrenaline”. More specifically, those who are addicted to chaos are, in fact, addicted to adrenaline. Therefore, they seek and develop situations that lead them to produce this substance.

The man is confused

Chaos can be defined as disorganization, inconsistency, disorder, or fragmentation. Whenever a person encounters such a situation, he develops a defense for either action or attack. At the same time, these reactions are followed by a series of chemical changes. The most important of all is the production of stress hormones,  adrenaline and cortisol.

Many people want to free themselves from stress, but a chaos addict on the other hand feels a huge attraction to anything that bothers him. There is joy in experiencing such pressure and lasting defense.

The problem occurs when a threatening situation is resolved or occurs, and a decrease or complete interruption in the production of this substance occurs in the body. This results in a state of depression that the addict can only cope with by acquiring more problems or creating new conflicts or making new mistakes.

Coping with addiction to chaos

In general,  the ultimate purpose of any dependency is to mask a much deeper contradiction that has remained unresolved. This compelling tendency to create a new problem is nothing more than an action plan to get attention to these problems, which are multiplying like viruses and which always require an urgent solution.

Chaos inside the girl

Suffering is a form of inaccurate fear  and is due to its failure to locate an object to which it could point. In other words, you feel fear, but you can’t determine what that fear is, where it is, or if it even exists. It is only experienced as a mild fear.

Creating chaotic situations is a way of subconsciously fulfilling two goals: to find an object to which suffering can be directed and to allow this anxiety to emerge with all its might, to live in it, and apparently to direct it toward a particular mode of protection. But while the problem below remains hidden, it’s important to just start the round over and over again. It will eventually become an all-consuming lifestyle.

It’s not easy to get over addiction, including this one. The most important thing of all is to identify what is the deep contradiction below that is constantly driving you into trouble. But to get there you have to dig deep into your innermost being, which can be facilitated by various strategies like meditation or therapy.

Basically, what is recommended is to practice the skill of being alone,  quietly and silently  so that the body stops resisting the lack of mental pressure and therefore the restlessness disappears. In addition to this, in this way we make it easier to open our consciences so that those old sufferings that have not yet healed can emerge.

Fly by bike

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