Ask Yourself These 30 Questions To Grow Up As A Person

Ask yourself these 30 questions to grow as a person

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a mental dam affects your outlook on life, happiness, and relationships? Have you found yourself at a time when you have had to make important decisions about your future without knowing what to do or what factors you should consider when making decisions? Or is it perhaps that you simply miss change but don’t know where you should turn?

Because of these and many other things, it’s a good idea to ask yourself the following questions. There are no outright right or wrong answers to these questions; they try to help you clear the way of all such limiting and negative thoughts that obscure your mind and prevent you from thinking clearly.

  1. Does my real age match what I feel?
  2. If life really is that short, why do I do so many things that I don’t even like and postpone things that I really want to do?
  3. When all is said and done, have I devoted more time to saying or doing?
  4. Am I more worried that I’m doing my job well or that I’m devoting my time to the right things?
  5. If I could change just one thing in the world, what would it be?
  6. If happiness were a coin, what would I do to get rich?
  7. Am I struggling to do what I like, or am I doing so because I feel I have to do so?
  8. Up to what point do I control my own life?
  9. What do I do when someone I respect or admire criticizes me for being unfriendly and / or unfair?
  10. If you could give one piece of advice to someone in a way that would change their whole life, what would you tell him?
  11. How many times in history has a genius been considered mad?
  12. Do I think it’s better to be a worried smart or a happy fool?
  13. Is there something I can do but others can’t?
  14. What things would I like to do that I haven’t been able to do yet? What keeps me from doing them?
  15. Is there something I get stuck with that doesn’t let me move on?
  16. Do things that happened in the past really matter?
  17. Why am I me?
  18. Am I the kind of friend I wish I had?
  19. What makes me feel most grateful in my life?
  20. What is the happiest moment in my childhood? Why?
  21. If not right now, then when?
  22. If I haven’t achieved what I’ve dreamed of yet, what exactly am I waiting for?
  23. Can I give myself permission to wait or should I act now?
  24. Do I feel like I’ve lived today hundreds of times before?
  25. If the world ended now, with whom would I want to spend this day?
  26. Would I give up my life for years to be famous or good looking?
  27. What is the difference between living and surviving?
  28. If I know I can learn from my mistakes, why am I so afraid of failure so immensely?
  29. How would I behave if no one but myself condemned what I did?
  30. Do I make my own decisions or do I let others do it for me?

Thinking and acting to make a difference in your life

It is extremely important to set aside time each day to talk to ourselves and liberate our minds. This leaves the door open to creativity and awareness for reflection on who we are, who we want to be, what we want out of our lives, and what we are willing to do to achieve it.

Taking the necessary steps every day can help us wake up and be more confident that what we are doing is in line with our core values ​​and beliefs. Celebrating our accomplishments, no matter how small, helps us enjoy our lives and make them worth living.

Removing the dams of the mind will make you feel freer and focus more on things that you actually feel are important. It helps you focus on the things that make your life feel appropriate. 

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