Be The Kind Of Person You’d Like To Meet

Be the kind of person you would like to meet

The title of this article is one of my favorite sayings. That doesn’t mean you should change who you are, because everyone deserves to be proud of who they are. However, it is important to think about what you are giving yourself to others and how you feel when you get something from others for yourself.

We all miss the positive impact on our lives. You are certainly looking for friendships and relationships that inspire you, but are you yourself a person who has a positive impact on the lives of others? It may sound cliché, but you only get back yourself what you give to others.

You care about both good and evil

Positive and negative habits are contagious, just like negative thoughts. Don’t worry about this, as personal growth, a positive lifestyle, and happiness are just as contagious.

How you live affects the people around you. Therefore, it is important to be the kind of person you would like to meet and whom you would gladly incorporate into your own life. 

The most important way you can learn and develop is to show all the love you feel for your loved ones. Many people may not remember what you told them, but they will certainly remember what you made them feel. Show your love by guiding, supporting, and listening to the people you love.

Friends happy attitude

Be respectful and kind

Kindness is essential. There is no group or character trait that would allow for mistreatment or lack of respect for another. We are all equal. Treat everyone with the same respect you treat your grandmother with, for example, and the same patience you give your children.

Of course, this is not always easy, especially when it comes to unfriendly and unpleasant people. In these cases, it’s good to remember that you can’t change people and that they don’t have to change just because you don’t like them. Try to accept all the people as they are and give them the support they need.

Forget and forgive, keep moving forward on your journey

Carrying resentment, anger and other negative emotions are poison to the soul. These cause nothing but more suffering.

Learn to forgive those who have hurt you. This will free you and give you the strength to move forward. You don’t have to wipe out the past and forget everything that happened to you. It means accepting what has happened, ending life at the mercy of resentment and hatred, and receiving the open arms of the future.

Would you like bitter, disgusting people around you, or people who live in harmony with themselves and their loved ones? When you stop wasting your time hating and carrying resentment, you will have more time to enjoy life and love those people who value you and treat you right.

Keep your promises and tell the truth

If you make a promise, keep it! Don’t promise things you can’t influence and can’t do. Be honest and let me know if you can’t do something.

Think of those moments when someone hurt you by lying, cheating, or cheating on you. Don’t do the same to others.

Promise is attitude

It is better to promise less and do more. Listen, hug, kiss, smile and be present to people close to them when they need you.

We all want to feel that we are important and valuable to others, so show your feelings. It’s important to consider the needs of others:  give them space when they need it and give them your attention when they’re ready to receive it.

Be the kind of person you would like to meet

Focus your energy on being the best version of yourself. You don’t have to turn into something else, because you already have all the abilities and feelings that are valuable to yourself and others. Love yourself and others following suit.

What kind of person would you like to spend time with? Who would you like to wake up to every morning? Could you be such a person yourself, or do you have to change something first? Change can be scary, but it’s worth it.

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