Beautiful Persian Proverbs About Love

Beautiful Persian proverbs about love

Some Persian Proverbs about love are over a thousand years old.  This should come as no surprise, given that Persian culture is very old and is made up of many different cultures. Each of these cultures has offered its own wisdom and their combination has together created a brilliant and interesting society.

Although Persian Proverbs are now part of popular culture, they nonetheless have an indisputable philosophical spirit. The Persian kingdom flourished as mightily as it collapsed, and this motivated deep reflection.

Very many of the Persian proverbs are not about love. This culture focused more on existential things. However, they have some beautiful assurances about this complex feeling. Here are five of them.

Persian proverbs about love

One of the most well-known Persian proverbs about love goes like this:

This means that when someone wants to love and be loved, they need more than just a small transient show of love.

People who lack gentleness love differently. Usually they do this obsessively. A lonely and “thirsty” heart needs more than just a drop of water. But one must also be careful not to drink too much of the heart.

heart in hand

One leader on each ship

The following Persian proverb warns us of something that happens in a relationship. Sometimes with the goal of being democratic, both parties in the relationship seek to steer the ship. However, this can be a mistake.

This proverb goes like this:

This means that if two leaders act at the same time, it can lead to disaster. Instead of trying to steer at the same time, the parties should vary the steer of the ship. If two people with different ideas try to determine the route at the same time, it can negatively affect the relationship. Instead, one should try to decentralize and manage, or share the relationship with leadership equally.

Memories and hope

This beautiful Persian proverb goes like this:

The past is often truly present in love, be it good or bad. Sometimes we fail to forget past loves. We hold on to our mistakes and not let go of our pain.

It would be a wise decision, both in love and in life, not to get stuck in the past. Everything must be allowed to flow and we must not get caught up in situations or emotions. We have to let life choose its own course. If we want to move forward, we must not get caught up in a moment that is already over.

leaves fly out of control

Love and kindness

The word  kindness  has its roots in the word  love. Being kind means earning love. We also use this adjective to describe a person who is nice and open and who respects others. This reflects the core of kindness.

A Persian proverb goes like this:

In other words, good manners are more powerful than aggression or rudeness. This is something that every loving person should remember.

proverbs about love: pearl in a seashell

Lack of pearls

We experience all the moments in life when everything seems to be flourishing, including love. There are also stages in life that are the complete opposite. Nothing grows, nothing thrives. Sometimes these moments make us lose hope and our way of seeing the world changes.

One of the Persian proverbs talks about how important it is to prevent this from happening.

If you’re looking for gems and can’t find them, it could simply be because you’re looking for them in the wrong place.

All of these beautiful Persian Proverbs about love remind us that love is a complex feeling. Depending on how we approach it, it can offer us either happiness or suffering. We have the ability to find the best way to experience love, promote it, and turn it into a positive force in our lives.

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