Beautifying Moments: A Skill Available To Everyone

Beautifying moments: a skill that is available to everyone

Life is a fantastic collection of events. Making them beautiful and enjoyable is something that really puts us in touch with nature. Most of our time, we hurry up with our schedules and activities, which are mostly quite stressful. This can begin to create general discomfort, dissatisfaction, work stress, and anxiety. It instills in us a state of mind that no one would freely choose for themselves.

Anyone can experience these moments of stress. Anyone can be exhausted, overwhelmed and really sad. Negative situations that should be rare in life are only more common today. Somehow this stress pulls us down until it completely captures us. Eventually we wake up saying, ” How would it feel to enjoy life? ” Or ‘How can I beautify my life?’ We used to enjoy many moments in life, but at some point we forgot how to do it…

What does it mean to beautify moments?

Beautifying moments is a skill of emotional regulation that we can develop through different methods. These methods include positive psychology and dialectical behavioral therapy used by psychologist Marsha M. Linehan.

star stickers on the girl's back

We say it’s a skill of emotional regulation because it includes all the behaviors and thoughts that are geared toward improving well-being and lowering negative emotions, such as counting rage, anxiety, or frustration. Making a situation more beautiful is a useful skill so that we can face daily demands and situations with a positive approach.

Beautifying daily responsibilities

1. Living in the present

First, making the  moments more beautiful is the ability to separate ourselves from the past and the future. In this sense, mindfulness can be helpful. This is about being able to stop, observe and accept what we are currently experiencing as we perform our daily tasks.

The ability to live in the present moment is the first step in restoring the lost skill we mentioned earlier. In these subtle moments, we need to try to feel deeply about our feelings, our environment, and the feelings that the movements we make bring about. Also, the sensations that appear due to the stimulus that affects us, such as water while taking a shower.

2. Detection of the environment

The impact that the environment has on our behavior and emotions has been extensively studied by environmental psychology. To take advantage of this effect, we need to find out what kind of setups our environment has. What constitutes the environment in which we perform our daily tasks? Numerous studies explain how organized environments, with natural lighting and familiar objects that remind us of good times, can increase our well-being and improve our performance.

Adding images to our visual field of view, or making them available, helps us beautify moments. Especially if these images remind us of our goals or achievements. They increase the feeling of well-being. We can also strategically place phrases that motivate us in our personal space. Or phrases that remind us why we have chosen the path we have chosen. In this way, we improve our motivation and increase our perseverance.

In addition, let us remove from our environment any objects or images that give us time for negative thoughts or feelings. If we notice the existence of such objects that do not evoke good feelings or that bring to mind bad memories, and move them out of our field of vision, we can improve our well-being.

We need to keep in mind that our routines and boring tasks are easier to perform if we perform them in a friendly environment. In an environment that brings serenity and that makes us feel like ” at home. ”

beautifying moments helps you live better

3. The best tools for working and studying

It can have a positive impact on our lives if we are careful about the materials or instruments we use. If we have to study, it is best to use eye-pleasing markings, colorful and clear images. Let’s get the best materials for working or studying. This helps us in performance and motivation. Some people think that investing time and money in these aspects is a waste, but they are wrong.

If study times are already behind us and we are currently at work, let’s make sure we have the best materials to do the work, the ones that are most on our minds. Let’s make sure we have all the necessary elements to do our job effectively. The materials we like and make our work easier help us focus positively on our tasks.

For example, if we use an agenda, a folder, and a computer, ones that are aesthetically pleasing will help make our work more comfortable. We want to use them just by looking at them! We can set a wallpaper that inspires us. Something that evokes positive emotions. If we can listen to music at work, let’s not hesitate to do so! Music improves performance and mood, and increases creativity.

4. Taking care of the details of our daily habits

Meals, alone or together, are often really pleasant moments. For this reason, they are great beautifying occasions. To increase our overall well-being, it can be very helpful to take care of the details of our meals. Making our food look pleasant, setting our table beautiful, adding flowers or candles to it, etc. Even if this is all just for ourselves, it makes us enjoy every moment.

enjoy the moment

Our mind perceives all these little details, and they slowly begin to fill us with positive emotions and motivation. In this sense, beautifying moments allows us to take advantage of our routine. It is true that taking care of every detail requires effort. But this is worth it, namely, it has such positive effects that affect us and the people we love directly, both in the short and long term.

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