Behind Our Emotional Mask

Behind our emotional mask

Many people are successful, happy or otherwise seem to live a perfect life. Is that really the case? Not necessarily. Many of them just seem to be something they don’t really are. This phenomenon is made possible by an emotional mask that a person can use as an aid in protecting their heart.

Depressed people seem optimistic, anxious people seem relaxed. These people use a mask to cover up their feelings  so that others don’t see them as they really are.

“Choosing your own mask is the first voluntary human expression. And it’s a lonely one. ”
-Clarice Lispector-

Control mask

A controlling person may be someone who has been deceived in the past. As a result of the pain they have suffered, they have developed a pattern of behavior by which they can ensure that other people keep their promises. They also have a darker side that stems from the uncertainty that causes them to need to control everything. This emotional mask protects the wearer from the pain of being deceived.

Relentless mask

An intransigent and inflexible person may have suffered from an extremely unjust situation in the past. As a result, they become inflexible, constantly seeking justice and infallibility .

The judge bounces

A relentless person eventually develops into a perfectionist. Even to such an extent that it becomes an obsessive attitude. By scrutinizing and judging everything carefully, an  inflexible person tries to prevent injustice from  pushing his head into his life.

An addiction mask

An addicted person may suffer from extreme pain left by the feeling of being rejected. This wound keeps the wearer of that mask away from others, preventing it from being close to anyone. They don’t take any of their relationships seriously and even reject the idea of ​​living with someone.

The pain caused by indifference is terrible. A person who wears a mask of addiction basically suffers from an inability to trust  that the people who are most important to him would never abandon him.

Runaway mask

The fugitive rejects being with others. They prefer moments of loneliness or silence. They completely reject being the center of attention, which is actually something that terrifies them. The fugitive escapes because they have been abandoned or repelled and this has caused wounds so deep that they simply cannot accommodate anything.

The woman is running in the fog

Fugitives cannot tolerate it if they do not know how to behave in a particular situation, due to the resulting embarrassment or feeling of being lost. Only because such can lead to some degree of rejection by others. In their loneliness, they are not vulnerable or insecure. An emotional mask protects them from what can hurt. Is this cowardice? No. It’s just being aware of and avoiding what we know we can’t  control it or prevent it from hurting us .

Masochistic mask

A masochistic individual can be either a mind or an emotional masochist. This attitude follows feelings of humiliation and shame in the past. This constantly makes them solve the problems of others by doing everything possible for them, while humiliating and humiliating themselves. They need it.

Masochists, like other users of the masks mentioned above, do not try to prevent or escape pain. Masochists face what hurts them by finding more pain. They were hurt in the past and had no control over the matter. Now they have control and they decide for themselves whether someone hurts them or not. In their hearts,  this helps them deal with their situation.

As we have seen, there are many different masks we can wear as we try to deal with the emotional wounds we have suffered  . People who wear masks are easy to identify because at some point their hidden self will be revealed and revealed.

It is best to boldly put an end to the things that have caused us fear. Recourse to these masks simply increases one level of separation between us and other people, and may prevent us from living entirely as ourselves. Do you wear any of the above masks? Or do you know someone who has one of them on their face?

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