Building Our Self-esteem

Building our self-esteem

Good self-esteem is essential for every person because it allows us to face life with joy and confidence. In addition, it leads us to achieve our goals as well as opens new doors.

6 signs of low self-esteem

  1. Consistency, lack of motivation. A person stops fighting for his dreams because he believes he is unable to achieve them. Such people think their value is very insignificant.
  2. Shyness, fears, uncertainties. Fears focus on the loss of faces, the opinions of others, and ridicule. Inability to take initiative.
  3. Physical neglect and lifestyle indifference. They either stop caring about their physical appearance or pay far too much attention to it. Both signal a lack of self-esteem. A person does not have healthy hobbies, he eats poorly, does not move, etc.
  4. Negativity and stiffness. Everything that happens and every mistake is a reason to humiliate, blame and disrespect yourself. The person is not very understanding or flexible towards himself.
  5. Denial of change and perfectionism. A person stresses too much every life change, even the positive ones. They hold on to what they know for fear of putting themselves in something else. They are also perfectionists, for every wrong done leads to self-blame and internal arguments.
  6. Treating others badly. Many people with low self-esteem whip others so they can feel better. If they are able to make another victim, they will feel in power and above that person. This situation relieves and deceives them; they believe they are superior.

How can we raise our self-esteem?

Below we present you 8 exercises that will help you raise your self-esteem:

Know yourself

If a person does not know himself, he cannot love himself either. Have you ever loved anyone you didn’t know? It is not very likely, for love arises from consciousness and emotional discovery.

It is very important to be aware of your own virtues and shortcomings, because if you don’t know them, you can’t follow the steps below. It is very common that we are not able to look at ourselves realistically, because low self-esteem distorts reality and makes everything negative.

In this case, it is necessary to rely on the help of someone else. And not just a person you already trust, but someone who has the knowledge to help you, with the help of a therapist. When we know who we are and where we are going, we can throw ourselves into full life.

For example, a bird can fly, but if you lower it into the water, it will not be able to do anything. A person may be a master of computer programming, but perhaps he has difficulty working with his hands.

The most sensible thing would be to follow the path of computer programming instead of crafts. Often  , however, uncertainty about ourselves leads us on the wrong paths. If you don’t know your strengths and weaknesses, your life isn’t going to go in the right direction.

Focus on your virtues

We all have our virtues and faults. Often people who focus entirely on their virtues leave their faults entirely in the background.

Our thoughts are like a snowball that accumulates and grows bigger. Thus, if you focus only on your shortcomings, uncertainty and discomfort will also increase. On the other hand, if you focus on your virtues, your security will continue to grow.

Check your thoughts

People with low self-esteem tend to think negatively about themselves. They weigh themselves down, think they are incapable, see other people as better, etc. Some even criticize and hurt themselves non-stop.

We must respect and treat ourselves tenderly, for if we do not, our self-esteem cannot develop. Try to change your mindset and your internal dialogue. Make it a habit to speak to yourself in good, grateful words. Be patient with yourself and most of all, flexible and understanding. Bombing yourself with negativity will only drown you deeper and deeper into uncertainty.

Inside you lives an enemy who doesn’t stop sabotaging you or saying, “You can’t,” “You can’t,” “That’s not for you,” “You don’t deserve this,” “You’re not worth it,” “You’re going to do wrong if you try, ”Etc. Replace your enemy with a friend who appreciates you and says,“ You can do it, ”“ You can, ”“ You deserve it, ”“ I love you, ”“ You’re awesome, ”“ Try, it doesn’t hurt even if it doesn’t work. You will learn and soon you will do it right, ”etc.

If you get used to being a friend of yourself instead of an enemy, you will be safe from words and thoughts that encourage you to believe in yourself.

Let go of the stamps

Let go of the stamps. Do not associate your personal value with anything outside of yourself. Not for work, property or love life. What you are as a human being is in no way tied to what you have.

If you have low self-esteem, you probably feel worse than others and you may think your value is low just because you don’t have a job or a partner. The good news is that none of the above is important. You can have a healthy self-esteem without great things, because everything that matters is found within you.

The most important thing is to value your humanity, your values ​​and the way you see life and treat other people. Things like kindness, honesty and trustworthiness are also absolutely important and deserve recognition.

Take responsibility for yourself

Everyone should take responsibility for themselves. Don’t blame others for your own insecurities or problems. Others have an impact on us, but in the end, only we make our own decisions. So, the responsibility for our lives rests solely with ourselves.

What happens outside of you is just one thing, and you decide what you do for the situation. For example, if someone doesn’t treat you well and you still decide to start a relationship with that person, you can’t blame others for your own misfortune. You yourself made a decision that was based in part on inexperience, trust, and so on.

Everything we have in our lives, both good and evil, is earned in some way. Of course, there are also exceptions and sometimes misfortune to leave us in situations we did not choose. However, we have the opportunity to make choices that lead to change. It is important to rely on your own safety and courage when facing problems.

As long as you continue to blame others, your self-esteem will not improve. If you avoid responsibility, you will never move towards change. However, if you take control and responsibility for your life, you dare to make decisions and change things that don’t please you.

Everything you do to improve your life will help you love yourself. You feel able to help yourself and at the same time feel gratitude and love when you get help from others. If you help yourself, you will feel the same way about yourself.

Know your goal

It is important that you do not let life sweep you down. We can all take control of our lives and avoid leaving it to fate.

We need to set goals for ourselves and take steps towards them. If you don’t have goals, you can’t use your tools to achieve them. At times, a lack of goals can even halt your personal development.

Self-esteem is always formed on the basis of experiences and life events. So  if you avoid situations and goals, you can never develop your self-esteem. Just like you would expect a basketball player to play just as well without hours of practice.

Take care of yourself

What do you do when you love someone? Whether it’s a child, a friend, a relative… when we love and appreciate something, we naturally take care of them and try to bring out their best. It’s as if we don’t see their shortcomings and the virtues become multiple.

You should do the same with yourself : take care of yourself with a balanced diet, exercise, listening to your desires, following your dreams, enjoying the things you are passionate about, saying “no” when necessary, etc.

In addition to taking care of yourself, you should also treat yourself well. Focus on your best sides, take advantage of them and be proud of them. You are a unique person with virtues; some people just aren’t able to see this behind their shortcomings.

You need to focus on the good things and the things you achieve – they don’t have to be very big. Even facing your fears is a reason to respect yourself, for you are doing something to improve your life and that if that is worthy of recognition.

When we look at ourselves with loving eyes, everything looks different. You have to control it: love yourself in a way that allows you to see good things. As you begin to love yourself more, it will be easier to identify your own virtues.

Accept yourself

Without approval, there is no well-being or security. Your shortcomings will only get worse if you don’t accept them; however, if you recognize and accept them as they are, they will gradually begin to diminish.

Perfectionism, among other things, causes a lack of acceptance. We grow up with commercials and movies that brainwash us to perfection. With the arrival of summer, we will never stop hearing about “bikini surgery,” ways to make our skin look younger, toothpastes that promise a shimmering white smile, etc.

We are brainwashed into thinking that everything should always be awesome. We may not notice it, but that is one reason why self-acceptance is lacking. Everything has its pros and cons; there is a balance between pros and cons in everything.

It is good to know that everything has its pros and cons, both physically and personally. So accept yourself as a person and just like everyone else, you have your pros and cons.

We tend to accept only the good, and we do not think of the purpose of bad things; however, they exist for a reason. There is no rainbow without rain, but still people only enjoy the rainbow, and repel rain completely.

Everything has two sides that complement each other. If you reject your shortcomings, your self-esteem will experience a collision. Once you accept your mistakes, you will find that they begin to develop on their own.

Self-acceptance does not mean submission. It is normal that not everyone likes us; so trying to fix it.

Accepting ourselves does not mean torturing ourselves with things we don’t like about ourselves. Instead, it means the desire to change certain things, and to accept ourselves as we are in the moment, without worry, stress, or negative emotions.

We must accept ourselves, even if we do not like every thing in ourselves. We should love ourselves and work on our shortcomings without negative emotions.

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