Caressing Can’t Be Eaten, But It Still Nourishes

Caressing cannot be eaten, but still it nourishes

The modern world puts us in difficult situations, especially when many of them are out of our control. Such situations include, for example, unemployment, the threat of terrorism and climate change. So we need mental stimuli that comfort us in a growing environment of coldness and distance.

This is not to say that we need a permanent list of tips on how to control our moods and emotions. Nor is it best to look for opportunities that turn our thoughts away from daily difficulties and long-term anxiety. Both are important – opportunities for delusion and advice – but they end up short if we just try to feed our hearts with them.

In fact, the stimulus that helps us stay strong is one that makes us feel valued and grateful. Caressing  is an essential nutrient our mind needs to grow and become more resistant to problems.

The world of caresses

hand in hand

The world of caresses is not just made of physical touches (although they are a thorough part). They are also words and gentle gestures. There are gazes and sounds caressing with their warmth. There are words that act as blows to the soul.

In fact,  mental psychology assumes that caressing can also be “negative”. These include fraudulent gestures as well as expressions of rejection or hostility.

There is complete indifference on the opposite side of the world of caresses. This suggests ignoring the existence of others: an empty comparison that strips an ignored person of emotions and moods.

In any case, caressing, which is able to nourish and enrich, is called “genuine touch”. They are expressions to which even animals are very receptive. Such small gestures make a single moment special.

I caress the hunger

Caressing is so important to a person that a  person can even become ill and die if he or she does not receive a gradual amount of caressing,  especially in his first years of life. Being without caressing makes you sad first and then depressing. Depress, and later kill.

In today’s world, there seems to be a huge hunger for caressing  that is not fully consciously recognized. This is clearly seen in the use of social networks, for example. Many people publish things not so much to express what they think and feel, but to achieve a “liking” that is comforting and affirming.

heart-shaped cloud

All the acts of seeking the attention of others are probably derived from the hunger for caress. It’s a way of shouting “I’m here.” It is a way of asking others to recognize our existence because ultimately we are evolved mammals that desperately need each other.

Caressing and being caressed

Not all of us know how to caress, and not everyone allows themselves to be caressed. In fact, there are few who are well educated in this particular field. So the question is: if we all need touch, why do some stand in its way to prevent it from happening?

There is only one answer: fear. Fear leads us to raise great obstacles in front of others,  to show that we are fully self-governing and independent individuals, even though we desperately long for close relationships with others.

Today, the idea that full independence is the most ideal is constantly being promoted. The truth is that the idea has received so much support that many have daily difficulties realizing this fantasy. Just as the difficulty of defending independence could be maintained forever in the “contradiction” inherent in youth.

But as the saying goes, they become “oaks that break first instead of bending”. This can be seen as a big advantage in certain places, but the truth is that the mental price paid is very high.

wolves hug

Truly strong people are not born of harsh treatment or independence at any cost. In contrast,  one who has an environment filled with caressing definitely has more spiritual sources to face adversity. Caressing and being caressed is a source that uplifts and makes our existence happier.

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