Complete Forgiveness – So The Past Doesn’t Hurt Anymore

Complete forgiveness - so that the past no longer hurts

When someone hurts you, your immediate reaction is anger and resentment. You don’t want to forgive the person who did this act for you. You feel offended and disappointed. Sometimes just thinking about this thing hurts you. This very natural and ordinary reaction has its downsides. Complete forgiveness is the only way to find peace and happiness when someone has hurt you.

Carrying resentment may prevent you from being injured again in the short term. Because of this, you usually don’t want to forgive the person who caused you the pain and distress. However, you should keep in mind that carrying resentment for too long will shackle you to a situation that is no longer the case today. Emotions related to the past can cause you unnecessary suffering.

The two most negative states of mind are anger and anger. These feelings can stay in your mind if you don’t know how to forgive. The Stoic philosopher Seneca Jr. described anger and anger as the most horrible and furious of all emotions. In most cases, the damage these feelings can cause is much worse than leaving a resentment behind, which can actually be good for you.

However, forgiving someone who has hurt you is not as easy as you would like it to be. When you realize that keeping a sense of anger and resentment in mind is not good for you, you want to try to forgive. The next question is, how can you forgive?

the woman's silhouette has trees

For example, if you come across a person who has been shot with an arrow, you won’t stop to find out where the arrow came from. You also don’t start researching what wood the arrow was made of. You are trying to figure out the best way to get the arrow out to minimize the damage. You should do the same with your own pain and suffering. You should try to get rid of it as soon as possible so that it no longer hurts you. Next, we describe the best reasons for complete forgiveness.

Complete forgiveness is a sign of strength

Patience and tolerance are important in Western countries up to a certain limit. When someone offends you, patience and tolerance seem like weaknesses. This is one of the main reasons why it is so difficult for us to completely forgive others.

Patience and tolerance complement complete forgiveness and love. They are not signs of weakness. Patience and tolerance are a sign of weakness. Even with the cunning you experience, you hold fast to your values.

Attitudes towards patience and tolerance are a sign of strength on an emotional level. This power will help you get closer to complete forgiveness than you would get by reacting with anger and anger. Facing a difficult situation with a patient attitude makes you control your emotions, which is an exercise in controlling your emotions. It in turn raises self-esteem and increases emotional intelligence.

perfect forgiveness and a flower in the other hand

Complete forgiveness calms the mind

Otto Scharmer, a lecturer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States, has written a book on U-theory that deals with the method of managing change. U-theory teaches us that we cannot live in the future by carrying the burden of the past with us. Instead, we should say goodbye to the past and forgive ourselves and others so that we can open up new opportunities.

As Otto Scharmer, the creator of U-theory, points out, we expend energy on where we focus our attention. Therefore, you should not focus your attention on what you are trying to avoid.  Instead, you should focus your attention on what you are going to accomplish. Therefore, a person who regrets the disappointment he has experienced in the past expects to achieve similar results in his future relationships. These individuals get stuck in what happened and are unable to adopt new patterns in their lives.

Learn more about U-theory

U-theory says that if we don’t get rid of old fears and prejudices, there is no room for anything new in our lives. If we do not free ourselves from the burden of the past, we will not be able to experience the joy of new experiences in our lives.

Based on this, we can conclude that complete forgiveness can be very difficult after someone has hurt us. However, it is essential to understand that you need to learn to forgive and understand what perfect forgiveness means. You have to remember that it is possible for you to let the past be the past.  It frees you from a heavy mental burden that won’t let you get ahead in your life.

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