Do You Face Or Oppose Your Problems?

Do you face your problems or oppose them?

We run into negative situations almost every day, situations that bring out our worst. We fight, shout, rebel, and often act without thinking. In other words, we lose self-control. But when we look at things from the right perspective, we can see these same difficulties and problems to which we usually react so inappropriately, in a completely different light.

Whether you face your problems or resist them doesn’t just depend on the circumstances. It depends on the decision you make internally, sometimes without your consciousness. Sometimes you unknowingly decide to resist, other times you face your problems. These two options determine whether you succeed or fail.

Tackling problems is mentally challenging

Resisting problems increases your likelihood of losing self-control. It is much more likely that you will get the first feeling taken away without trying to look at the situation calmly. This is how our emotions take control and let them do it. But such “freedom of emotion” usually has consequences: regret what you said or did without thinking.

Even without realizing it, you find yourself in the middle of insignificant quarrels and quarrels. They do nothing but consume you mentally, sometimes even physically. In fact,  as soon as you see the situation from another perspective, you realize you’ve made a fly an ox. 

a man in front of a high butt

Have you ever reacted impulsively to something? When this happens, it means that you release your instincts for protection. But if you’re really thinking about it, in reality you weren’t in any danger. Sometimes impulses come up just to defend your ego.

Opposing things and seeing them as a threat or enemy instead of a challenge will make them unbearable for you and limit you. This will prevent you from thinking clearly and leave remorse behind. But there is another option, although it requires a little practice. It may require real work, but it is worth the effort. So how do you stop resisting your problems and start facing them?

If you face your problems, you will grow

Resisting difficulties doesn’t make you stronger; you are just wasting energy. You let your most primitive instincts snatch you along, which prevents you from handling the situation properly. But when you face your problems, you grow, strengthen, and mature. You are thus in better conditions To take on any difficulty ahead much more effectively.

When problems get in your way, you know how to stop and take your time. This way you can see things more clearly and make the best possible choice. You know you can think about it in peace. You will not achieve anything by reacting immediately! Hastening an answer when the situation doesn’t require it can be a mistake – the reason why you regret it afterwards.

When you are calm and relaxed, even if there is complete chaos around you, you think things smarter. When you stop and breathe first, the solution seems to be much closer.

the umbrella breaks down into tree leaves

Also, if you face your problems, you are less likely to hurt others. When you express yourself clearly, warmly, and with respect, your perspective is clearer and people don’t take your criticism personally.

As you can see, these are two very different things: the first is giving in to the urge to oppose the problem, and the second is making the decision to face it. In the first option, you lose self-control, you don’t process your emotions, and you end up regretting – this eats you inside. But in the second option, you practice self-confidence, learn to solve problems more effectively, and learn something from them.

jellyfish in the sky

Difficulties always provide a very special opportunity: an opportunity to learn. They are not a tragedy, and you are not a victim. Thinking this way will make you resist your problems instead of facing them. Let’s make problems a part of our story and live a better life thanks to what they teach us.

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