Do You Know How The Sea Affects Our Brains?

Do you know how the sea affects our brains?

Can you imagine how the sea affects our brains? This vast blue body of water, which fills about 80% of the earth’s surface, is a huge area, as cruel and powerful as it is romantic and profound. A giant who is violent one moment and calm and inspiring the next.

For many notable writers, such as Charles Baudelaire, the sea is a place of great admiration, and they have great respect for it. There was also a saying in his mouth, “Free man, you will always love the sea!” This expanse, which is a special place for humans, is something much more than just a huge mass of water.

How does the sea affect our brains?

Many neuroscientists have studied how the sea really affects our brains. Names like M. Rudd, RA Baron, and MC Diamond are notable for their experiments and publications. They have all studied the effects of this huge blue sea in our brains. Can you imagine what this sea will bring to us?

woman floating in water

What is at least certain is that the effects of the sea ​​on our psyche are generally positive. The romance and desire for freedom inspired by the sea in us is not insignificant. This is, in fact, justified by science.

In us humans, the sea creates a sense of admiration

Several psychologists from the Universities of Minnesota and Stanford have conducted research on how the sea affects our human brains. One of their conclusions was that the immense greatness of the  sea ​​brings us a sense of admiration, as well as amazement in our psyche. 

In fact, this process makes us feel well. It’s weird at the same time that something so big could kill us with just one wave. But that vast experience that the sea brings to us causes positive changes in our spiritual structure, thanks to the way our minds try to melt that landscape.

In other words, the sea will bring about changes in our structure and decisions, for example, it will help us to be more generous. And if that’s not enough, over time, our ability to perceive will change as well. It becomes slower and can even create the feeling that time would stop.

The sea is a creative stimulus

Usually, when we work, talk, or take care of children, our brains go into a “busy” state, so to speak. But the  sea ​​drastically changes this state and relaxes our mental processes. 

When we are relaxed, our neural network is activated by default. And in this total state of tranquility caused by the greatness of the sea, the most brilliant, creative, clear, and original ideas come to mind.

the sea affects our brains in miraculous ways

In reality, this process is relatively easy to understand. By moving into a state of relaxation, our worries disappear. The moment the forehead of the brain ceases to be under control, and then creativity, daydreaming, and almost even magic begin to flow unimpeded. Our thoughts become more original, less critical, and more open.

The sea awakens meditation

The sea has several positive effects on our minds. Meditation is an ancient method that has proven benefits for the human brain. The meditative state increases the stimulation of brain curves, which can also even change.

In this case, the  sea ​​waves create a state of alertness. The effect of sound causes alpha waves in the brain that are tied to effort, but also to the relaxation and serenity that makes everything around us disappear.

As we have already mentioned, the sea creates a creative space in our brains. This, too, is related to the alpha waves, which in turn produces a state of mental clarity. Therefore, the sea has the power to make our whole environment disappear so that only we exist, as if we were in a bubble where our whole being suddenly makes sense.

Now you know a little more about  how the sea affects our brains. If you have the opportunity, you need to enjoy it in its purest state. When you have the opportunity to look at the sea, don’t waste your opportunity. Then your whole being will thank you, starting with your mind.

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