Even If We Try To Be Better, We Still Have The Right To Fail

When we try to change something in ourselves, the environment doesn’t always make it easy for us. For this reason, we should keep in mind that even if we try to be better, we still have the right to fail, get up, and try again.
Even if we try to be better, we still have a right to fail

When we take on any task for our personal growth, we need to know that the process is usually long. Changes don’t happen overnight and we need to be persistent and disciplined to get results. We still hope our loved ones will rejoice in our decision and support us along the way. For the same reason, we can be angry and disappointed when they take advantage of all setbacks to undermine our efforts. Some seem to forget that even if we try to be better, we still have the right to fail as well.

It is therefore essential to be aware that our own well-being must be the main motivation that drives us to be better people. If we wait for approval, recognition, and support from the outside, we are likely to fail even before we achieve our goals. We need to change for ourselves and we need to become our own coaches and personal encouragers. Then why do others want to stop us? And what can we do about it?

We and our own well-being must be the main motivation that drives us to be better people

When will people forget that everyone has the right to fail?

You may have sometimes been in a situation that reflects this. For example, when you tell your family members that you want to follow a healthier diet and they in turn ironically remind you of this just when you’re not eating healthily. So it doesn’t matter that you’ve been sticking to your goal all week because they’re focusing on just that one unhealthy meal to minimize the effort you’re seeing.

The same can happen when you decide to face your fears. Maybe you’re trying to cope with your driving chambers and to that end you make several small trips every day. But equally, sometimes you ask your partner to drive because you don’t feel ready to drive yourself at the moment. Based on this single event, others may try to knock out all the progress you’ve made to that point.

Such reactions can occur even when you are trying to improve a relationship and communication in a relationship. You may have suggested to another that you could work together to improve communication. And from now on, even if one hasn’t changed at all, just when you lose your temper and fall into old communication patterns, the other will take the opportunity and remind you of how you were so willing to make changes in the past.

“Shouldn’t you have eaten healthily?” ; “Shouldn’t you have already overcome your fears?”; “Kappas just, didn’t you have to maintain a more understanding and here you are now teasing me!” All of these questions and utterances are basically reproaches. They are not designed to support us and encourage us to move forward, but vice versa.

Why is this happening?

First, let us remember that such situations are common. Such reactions speak more of the person who mediated the reaction than of the person to whom the reaction is directed. A person with a healthy emotional balance who feels they are with themselves and who has even gone through their own personal growth process would never try to deny the same opportunity to another person.

On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that change is not always well received by our environment, even if it is in our interests. And this is because when we want to change, we force ourselves to change the dynamics of our relationships with others as well. If a person who has lived in the shadow of another ceases to be dependent, the other loses his position above the other. If we decide to start communicating respectfully, we will no longer get involved in conflicts. For this reason, if others are reluctant to change, our efforts to change ourselves and be better people may not please them.

We should keep in mind that even if we try to be better, we still have the right to fail, get up and try again.

Give value to the process

It is therefore our job to remain strong in the face of such reactions. We must not make the mistake of allowing others to deny our right to fail.

If you really want to implement internal change, you need to respect your process and find your own rhythm. You don’t have to be perfect, and especially not to make this change in one day. You can rest during the trip, turn back and even retreat. Growth is not linear and we are not able to do a good job every day as well.

A crash is not a setback, an error does not indicate the end of a trip or the failure of a plan. Add value to your process and efforts; and keep in mind that even if we try to be better, we still have the right to fail.

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