Everyone Deserves A Second Chance, Even Love

Everyone deserves a second chance, even love

When I read this short but fascinating article (in Spanish) by Leila Guerriero in the newspaper , I got to the heart of her main point: love ends, and when it ends, it tears us apart, but over time we have to unite and try again.

We associate the pain caused by an emotional collapse with falling, because it makes us collapse, makes us hurt, makes us mad, and believes that we have lost all our strength. That’s why failures, mistakes, and setbacks scare us so much. Suddenly, there are only many open wounds left, and no one but ourselves can suture them.

But everyone deserves a second chance, and love is no exception. The drop is not what makes you suffer, but that you lie defeated on the floor. You can and should wipe the dust off, dry your tears, and sew your heart back together. Do not give up.

Feel free to declare that you have lost everything

Perhaps the more difficult thing in itself, probably for biological or emotional reasons, is to stop to interpret what happened to you. It is not easy to admit to being at the point where you have to react in order to move on. Nevertheless, you can do it even if you don’t believe it yourself, and when you do, the grief process progresses on its own until you are OK again.

woman swinging alone

It’s not easy to get the situation under control, but it’s the price you have to pay to rejoice in the new opportunities again. Wake up from your fragile sleepwalking and face fear of acceptance. It takes a lot of effort but I swear it’s worth it.

Julio Cortázar said that nothing is lost if you have the courage to declare everything lost. If you think about it, overcoming all emotional losses requires the courage to face reality. You can get closer to the light if you have a square to find it in the middle of all that darkness.

Go through the grief process before you start a new relationship

We often do not know that the word “sorrow” is not just about the death of a loved one ; it is also associated with emotional, cognitive, and physical shock resulting from any loss. At the end of the relationship, the steps are the same as in other cases of grief, and their duration depends on the person.

  • Denial: A person who opposes a divorced separation denies losing their partner.
  • Anger or indifference: over time, a person begins to realize the difference but may not understand it. This gives rise to guilt, dissatisfaction, etc. in him.
  • Conversation: The person is aware of the difference, but he or she may still think of solutions or ways to go back together.
  • Pain: In the grief phase, the person has not been able to find a solution and has been overwhelmed by grief. If the feeling of suffering is not gradual at all, the person should seek help.
  • Acceptance: The person has realized that there is no return and has begun to love himself again. He has accepted the need to forget an old relationship and create new memories outside of it.

Give yourself, and love, a new opportunity

After the approval phase, you are ready to try new things again. This difficult journey will teach you to find yourself, learn from your mistakes and most importantly figure out what makes you happy. You have to love yourself so that you can love someone else again and have reciprocal love.

the girl sews the heart together again

In this way, you give yourself a new opportunity, and you also give a new opportunity to someone else to stay with you and make your world a better place. You deserve pampering and love. You may, of course, take a few steps back, but it won’t hurt anymore. You look at the past in amazement, with the courage of a warrior.

Even though love caused all that suffering, don’t let a bad experience ruin such a beautiful feeling. We were created to love, and while it unfortunately sometimes happens, it actually has nothing to do with pain. Allow yourself to get to know the best version of yourself with a new partner. If you’re really ready, don’t let fear stop you. Let go, let your new love grow, and if that fails, always try again.

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