Family Relationships Require Empathy And Respect

Family relationships require empathy and respect

Raising children is not easy. It can destroy family relationships if we don’t do it the right way. We need tons of patience, love and kindness if we want to grow them into healthy people. All this at the same time as we keep our marriage in order.

Other essential skills are also needed in this job, such as knowing how to listen to our own children, how to show them their place, set boundaries, and create a sense of belonging that gives them security and what family is all about.

All of this is important for adults as well. Keep reading to see how to build strong family relationships.

“I love you” is the foundation of family relationships

Everyone in the family has their own needs, characteristics, and abilities. Therefore,  we do not all express love in the same way. 

Nor do we necessarily need people to say it to us in the same way, but it is important to discuss it nonetheless.

father and son look at each other

It is sometimes difficult for us to give constructive criticism. Not just among adults, but also among children, and all we do is just show the injustices done by others.

The problem is that something may go unnoticed by us and can have big consequences for the self-esteem of others, especially children. It is one way to weaken family relationships.

That’s why it’s important to communicate to express what we love about them. How important they are to us and the family. It fills them with love and improves their self-esteem.

We need strong family relationships with empathy and effort

Empathy is a good ally when there are contradictions at home. When we try to put ourselves in the shoes of others, the arguments don’t end immediately, but it helps us understand others  a little better.

In addition, it helps us explain that we understand their opinions even if we do not agree with them. That is how we help reach an agreement that benefits everyone.

Putting ourselves in the shoes of others also brings about another profound side to making family relationships stronger: appreciating other people’s efforts.

Homework is good for family relationships

Each family member has their own responsibilities at home. It is important that these are clearly set out and consistent. But how and when can we hold the youngest children in charge of housework? We need to consider their age and ask them to do things according to their abilities.

a happy family

Starting at the age of one, you can start asking them to do simple tasks  that will increase their self-esteem. They can start collecting their toys, helping to move something from one place to another, or cleaning up something they messed up.

And saying how much they help us and how important they are to the family makes them feel good.

In addition to domestic chores,  we must also respect rights at home. While it is awkward, we need to respect others if we want family relationships to last a long time.

We should not respect the rights of one family member more than others. Finding a balance at this point avoids unnecessary arguments and misunderstandings. And it also prevents negative emotions that weaken family relationships.

Photos provided by Nathaniel Tetteh, Anne Spratt and David Straight.

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