Film Therapy: The Benefits Of Watching Movies

Film therapy: the benefits of watching movies

It is clear that movies evoke all kinds of emotions. They can make you laugh, cry, suffer, or even gather strength to face your problems. So why not channel all of this into therapy?

What is film therapy?

Developers of psychotherapy have been able to collaborate with coaches, colleagues, and film experts of all kinds to develop therapies based on TV series and movies by applying their benefits to coaching and psychology. Logically, this is called film therapy.

film therapy

However, the benefits of film therapy do not end with just watching movies. Many different tools have been introduced, such as quotes, comments, posters, visual analysis, etc.

Hodgson and Burgue have focused their therapies on the use of positive psychology and coaching to improve people’s competencies and abilities using learning from movies through a different perspective.

Film as a psychological aid

This therapy uses film as a psychological aid for various uses. It is thought to be a very effective adjunct to therapy, for a variety of reasons:

  •  Stories, characters and scenes are squeezed for a short time.
  •  The length of the film corresponds to a long therapy session.
  • The films are metaphorical like stories and fairy tales. You can take advantage of the cognitive effects of film by watching films to form theories of learning, creativity, etc., to support the idea of ​​many intelligences.
  •  Many of us have experienced identification with the characters in the movies. This information can be used later in therapy discussions.
  •  The visual power of film supports focusing on images.
  •  Watching a film and discussing it with other people multiplies its value and serves as a key tool in therapy.

Benefits of film therapy

The developers of film therapy say that these techniques offer obvious benefits to the people who participate in this unique therapy. Here are some of these benefits:

  • Watching a movie can be refreshing. It allows you to unwind, relax and have a nice time.
  • Film therapy uses scenes or entire movies to help people face fears. This will help them become aware of their fears so they can work to overcome them.
  • It allows you to focus on your problems. The content of many movies can make you aware of your own problems through identification and empathy.
  • The movie also has a fitting function. When you watch a movie, you can experience the passion without suffering the real side effects.
  • It helps to relax. Watching a movie draws attention to the action, so it’s a great way to reduce anxiety.
  • It motivates. When you watch a movie, you can find characters who will help you find energy in real life.
  • Entertainment. The film creates laughter and joy. And there is no doubt that it would have an impact on both physical and mental well-being.
  • Crying other tears. Sad and distressing movies can help your own emotions surface.
  • Rethinking your negative thoughts. Through movies, you can find new perspectives that will help you reflect and change your attitudes.
  • Development of creativity. There is no doubt that the perspectives you see in the films would not help you change the patterns of your mind and support your creativity, flexibility and innovation.
  • Improves personal relationships. Watching and commenting on a movie with friends and family is valuable socially and emotionally.
  • It is a contemplative art. Movies make us reflect on existential, spiritual, and even royal issues.
  • It helps us deal with the loss. A broken heart and loss can be softened with movies that will help you through these difficult times.
  • The film lifts, moves, inspires and amazes. Through the seventh art form, you can become a better person.
  • It enhances your strengths. The characteristics of different characters can inspire you to improve your strengths.

You can be sure that film is more than just a simple art form. Film therapy has made films one of the most useful psychological aids. There is no doubt that they would not make us happier and more complete if we just gave them a chance.

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