For People I Like…

For people I like…

“I like people who move, who don’t have to be pushed and they don’t have to be told to do things. But who knows what to actually do and they do it. I like people who develop their dreams until their dreams become their own reality.

I like people who have the ability to anticipate the consequences of their actions. I like people who risk the uncertain for sure to achieve their dreams. Who can escape the heard counsel by leaving the solutions in the hands of God, our Father.

I like people who are fair to other people and to themselves. About the people who give thanks for the new day, the good things they have in their lives. Who live every hour and do their best with joy. Those who are grateful for life, are able to smile, offer their hands, and help in abundance without expecting anything in return.

I like people who are able to give constructive criticism to me directly without offending or hurting me. About people who are tactful. I like people with a sense of justice. I call these people friends.

I like people who know the meaning of joy and teaching. About people who, through playfulness, teach us to see life through humor. About people who never stop being childish. I like people whose energy is contagious.

I like honest and sincere people who can oppose anyone’s decisions on objective grounds. I like loyal and tenacious people who don’t give up when it comes to reaching goals and ideas.

I like discerning people who are not ashamed to admit that they are wrong or don’t know something. About people who, by accepting their mistakes, are genuinely working to make sure they don’t make the same mistakes again. About people fighting adversity. I like people who are looking for solutions.

I like people who think and pray internally. About people who value their loved ones regardless of social stereotypes or what they look like. About people who don’t judge or let others judge. I like people with a personality.

I like people who are able to understand that the biggest mistake people make is trying to create it in their own mind that doesn’t come from their heart.

Sensitivity, courage, solidarity, kindness, respect, peace, values, joy, humility, faith, happiness, tact, trust, hope, gratitude, wisdom, dreams, remorse, and love for others and oneself are  fundamental to being called FOR HUMAN BEINGS.

I can promise anything to people like that for the rest of my life because  if they are with me, I have received a good reward.

–Mario Benedetti–

People like this steal My Smile and are full of energy. Because we all have our own faults and virtues, we just need to maintain a good balance between them.

I like people the way they are. It’s pretty simple. We usually just complicate life by setting expectations that lead us to disappointment. We are the real creators of disappointment.

Often we tend to assume that others are exploiting us and harming or deceiving us. A simple gesture or gaze is enough for us to create a world of horrible ideas that may not fit in with reality.

But usually people are good and we are not very different from other people. You don’t need to have a clinical eye to be able to understand this. But instead, it is enough that we value our relationships without destroying them. We make mistakes and are full of commandments, but they do not define us even though our observations make them up.

Benedetti has already said that many people who are worthy of being around them are the ones who give us space to breathe. They do not stifle us and are not toxic. I like people as much as I like laughing. There is nothing wrong with being happy, for that is the greatest thing that has been granted to us.

In short, I like people who say what they think. But even more I like people who do what they say and think what they do. I appreciate authenticity because the collaboration of the verbs “say” and “do” is the most amazing coincidence of all.

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