Homework Can Be Therapeutic

Homework can be therapeutic

“Cleaning the house” doesn’t have to have a literal meaning, but even a symbolic one is enough: disposing of the mental burden,  throwing away unnecessary things. It’s easy to see how different distractions can cause stress and anxiety. If homework is done as a “mindfulness” exercise, it can be very rewarding. Homework may be therapeutic for many.

Doing homework as a positive activity and form of exercise can relieve stress,  so be prepared to do the most mundane and unpopular activity with a different attitude.

Examples of homework as therapy

Below are a few examples of how housework can lead to internal cleaning.

  • In some cultures, house cleaning is a valued and important activity. In Japan, for example, it is called  “oosouji,” which means  “thorough cleaning”. This cleaning will be done on December 28th so that the new year can be welcomed into a clean home. The Japanese see the dragging of old rubbish and attitudes into the new year as ominous.
  • Health professionals say homework can be relaxing and even meditating. In the words of psychologist Isabela Pérez-Luna, “Cleaning and organizing act as catharsis, as well as a way to get rid of things you no longer need.”
carpet vacuuming
  • In her book  KonMari: the life-changing magic of cleaning,  Marie Kondō explains that keeping a house clean has a direct impact on happiness and well-being.
  • In an interview with Radio Times, British actress Helena Bonham-Carter described the therapeutic power of homework. Tim Burton’s partner and muse assure him that he no longer has to pay for therapy sessions because he found  “therapeutic cleansing.” He says,  “if you organize your home, you organize your mind at the same time.”

Neatness and Buddhism

In Buddhism, cleaning is thought of as meditation that can be practiced on a daily basis. Buddhist monks perceive cleansing as a spiritual practice by which the soul, mind, and life can be purified.

And don’t forget that one of the Buddha’s disciples found nirvana when he swept. According to Buddhists, people are connected to their environment, which in turn is reflected in their minds. They say that when the environment is a shock, so is the mind. That is, when your home is tidy, your mind is bright and peaceful.

They also believe that  cleaning helps the mind focus on the present moment. Living here and now is the key to happiness and success.

Ten Commandments of Homework

In  A Buddhist Monk’s Guide to a Clean House and Mind,  author Keisuke Matsumoto lists ten commandments to help you improve your quality of life through homework:

  • Treat your items with care. Effort and dedication have been seen in the creation of each object, so they should be respected.
  • Show gratitude for your useful items,  and get rid of the ones you no longer need. You can give them new life by giving them to someone who would benefit from them.
  • It is best to clean up right away in the morning. If you start the day in the middle of peace and quiet while others are still asleep, your heart will experience peace and your mind will be brighter.
housework and arrangement
  • Before you go to bed, put away and Organize items you have used and moved during the day. This will make cleaning tomorrow much easier.
  • If you clean in the morning and arrange in the evening, you will find that you feel more refreshed throughout the day.
  • Before cleaning,  open the windows and ventilate your home  to keep the air clean. You feel awake when fresh air touches your skin.
  • When you feel the wind blowing from the window, you feel connected to nature. The air is mild and pleasant in spring and autumn, warm in summer, and icy in winter. When you feel its gentleness and hardness on your skin, you are connected to your own vulnerability and the forces of nature.
  • To show respect for life,  clean up after every meal  so you don’t attract insects and you don’t have to kill them unnecessarily.
  • Instead of regretting the past or worrying about tomorrow, try to  live to the fullest in the present moment. This rule also applies to homework,  “don’t leave tomorrow what you can do today.”
  • Sharing homework among family members will help you value what others are doing for you. When you understand that you all need each other, it will help you work as a team and think of others as well.

Homework can be therapeutic

The need to clean up and organize our environment usually stems from the need for renewal. But  cleaning up the environment can also be a moment of daily or weekly meditation. Get the most out of the situation, and perform a “mindfulness” exercise.

To succeed, try not to spend that time solving your problems, watching TV, or chatting with your partner.

You need to focus on doing, organizing, keeping quiet, and most importantly, think about what you are doing. This state of complete attention will help you achieve a meditative state in which your brain function is lowered. Thus, your stress level and anxiety will decrease. In this way,  homework can become part of a physically and mentally caring exercise.

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