How To Find Motivation?

How to find motivation?

When there are moments when you feel just powerless, you are constantly experiencing adversity, and when there is a lack of motivation, then everything in life may seem naturally gloomy and miserable. The  light that once led you once is now off, and there is not the slightest glimmer of hope that it will light up again. However, there is one important thing to remember when you feel totally powerless and tired and that is that there will always be rain after the storm. Kari Tapiok also knew this.

Motivation is what makes us strive even harder in our lives. It makes us make decisions, make progress and stay moving. If you suffer from a lack of motivation, you must have sometimes made up your mind to postpone doing things until the very future. If,  over time , you fail to find solutions to your problems, you will eventually give up on your project, and with that, your self-esteem will get hit, as guilt will visually follow your heels.

Lack of motivation may be marred by the disappointments that arise from different life situations. Such situations can be, for example, the inability to find a job for oneself, in which case the thoughts of throwing a towel in the circle begin to spin in the mind.

However, in such critical moments, when everything seems gloomy and gray, there are ways to escape. It is still  extremely important to strive to push forward and find ways to motivate yourself when it doesn’t happen naturally.

Remember why you started at all

If you can’t find the motivation to do a task, then you should first consider why you wanted to take on that task in the first place. The reasons you want to do something will be a driving  force for you to help you achieve your goal. One compelling reason will be just enough to get you to gather all your courage and do what you have to do.

However, if you do not feel motivated at all, or if you firmly believe that you do not have enough strength to achieve your goals, it is because the underlying reason for doing so is not good enough. In other words, it doesn’t interest you enough.

powerless woman looking for motivation

One example to illustrate this is people who want to quit smoking. Most of the time, if they are able to stop burning, they have some extremely good reason for it. For example, if a person continued to smoke, he or she would start to suffer from serious  health  problems. But if they don’t stop burning, they’re usually not entirely convinced that they really should do so.

When you think about your own goals, you should think carefully about whether they are important to you enough for you to withstand all the emotional strain they require. If you can’t find the motivation, it’s good  to think about why you wanted to take it in the first place and keep that in mind as you try to reach your goal. This understanding of purpose emphasizes the importance of motivation emanating from within you.

Even if the dream is big, start with small steps

You should always dream of great things so that you will be inspired to achieve them. But as you embark on a path aimed at achieving that goal, you should walk along it step by step and gradually gather ever-increasing forces as you move toward your goal.

For example, if you have your own business and you should call your customers but don’t want to do so because you don’t think they will match your contact in a positive tone, you can start by adopting a slightly more realistic attitude and calling only a few customers at first. It’s important to be able to build a kind of powerful catapult inside that kind of pushes you forward when you’re in trouble. Little by little, though you may not even notice it, the motivation that smokes within you grows stronger and stronger.


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