How To Identify Insecurity In Your Children

How to identify insecurity in your children

Why is my child insecure?

Children are quite defenseless, especially those under 6 years of age. Their innocence and lack of ability to cope with certain emotions and problems makes them easy targets for manipulation, both physical and mental.

We are not born knowing and  only through experience can we learn the best way to deal with the various circumstances we may suffer from. In addition, children absorb everything that surrounds them. Surely you’ve heard it when someone says they’re “like sponges.”

Family quarrels, the pressures that have been piled on them, the lack of attention from parents, all of these can cause them a great sense of insecurity. Do you give them the attention they need? Are you worried about their problems?

Sometimes we think everything that happens to them is funny and most of the time it is! But not everything is funny to them. They are new to this world and they are just learning. Children need to know that you understand them and communicate with them. If that doesn’t happen, they become insecure.

Help your child get over their insecurities

It is always important to reach out your helping hand so they can get over their uncertainties. If we don’t, we can raise them into insecure adults who can’t solve this problem.

If we detect a problem, it is a good idea to act as quickly as possible  and take action to re-establish our child’s sense of security. Think about it: what happens when they come of puberty? At this point, they need to address many other issues as well. Don’t let uncertainty be one of them.

How can I know if my child is suffering from insecurity? What signs point to that?

  • They suffer from a kind of addiction related to their own hygiene, which often falls into the capable hands of their mother.
  • They manifest a behavior dominated by emotional instability, disobedience, or aggression.
  • When it’s time to play, they play games that are appropriate for those younger than their age, play the same game, or act out fear.
  • They suffer from insane fears and cry for attention.
  • They start talking in their dreams, suffer from insomnia, ask to get sleep with the lights on, or ask that you tell them a story in the middle of the night.
  • Concentration problems at school.
  • They make funny expressions or other expressions related to the mouth or body that are not normal.
  • They have an object (rag, plush toy…) from which they are inseparable.

Building self-esteem

Instead of getting angry at our child for being absurdly clinging to an object or disobedience, it is much more important that we talk to them. The fact that we rebuke them does not solve the problem; our children need us to put ourselves in their position and not to become their worst enemy.

If you don’t know how to act, you can talk to their teachers or a professional who can teach you how to increase your child’s self-esteem  so they’re no longer insecure. Self-esteem is the best solution to this creepy situation that is very difficult to resolve, even when we are adults.

the child is crying

Think about the fact that if you choose not to notice these signs and let them pass your spending, you may be helping your child become a very sad person  with very low self-esteem and a strong susceptibility to depression. This makes life a painful experience filled with limitations and emotions that we cannot handle.

We were all once children, but we forget the importance of what we felt and the experiences we experienced in the early meters of our lives. We also forget how much everything we experienced in our childhood affected us in the later stages of our lives,  causing problems that are difficult to overcome. Time to find out all this is now!

Do you let your child grow into an insecure person?

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