How To Make Other People Happy

This is how you make other people happy

We are constantly looking for ways to increase our happiness and live a happier life. The pursuit of happiness sometimes feels like the most important task of existence, but at the same time we forget something very important.

The easiest way to happiness is to make others happy. Close, friends, family, partner and strangers, nothing makes you happier than helping and supporting others and small good deeds.

But how do we share happiness around us?

Our own happiness

The very first step in thinking of someone else’s happiness is to get to know our own personal happiness. Are we happy? If the answer is yes, we are on the right track, but if the answer is no, some things need to change until the answer becomes positive.

We often place certain restrictions on ourselves. Constraints and walls can be broken as easily as they can be erected, but we don’t always want that. We cling to constraints because we feel they provide safety and protection, and prevent heartache when no one gets close enough to hurt. How do we crumble these constraints?

  • Let go of anger.  An anger leads to unhappiness. If you feed feelings of anger and are unable to forgive, you will slowly become bitter and unhappy.
  • Be positive.  Being positive doesn’t mean you’re happy even when the situation is serious and difficult. No one can be constantly positive, because normal human life also includes negative emotions and encountering them. However, by utilizing positive thinking, one can look at even difficult things from different angles and face fears and sorrows in a more developing way.
  • Change things.  It is important to look back in life between things and reflect on what has happened, it is good to see the good and bad side of everything. Don’t worry about the little things, focus on the big patterns. Relax and be flexible with small adversities, this will make life much happier and calmer.

This is how you make others happy

There are eight steps to making others happy, and the same formula works with a family member, friend, or stranger.

How many times have you helped someone in need? For example, how many times have you given money to the homeless or helped others in need? What it made you feel, good luck, right? The person you helped certainly felt lucky in the same way you did, as well as gratitude for your help. Small deeds can make another person really happy, and they don’t require much from you.

 1. Say “hey”

Greet people with a smile and let the comfort of the encounter shine from your face: look at the other person and offer him or her a decent, open greeting.

Sometimes greeting strangers makes both the greeting and the greeting happy. Say “hello” with a smile to your neighbors and cashiers, this will brighten everyone’s day. Often in small towns, street greeters are still being greeted, but in larger cities, this habit has disappeared.

2. Hug

Hugging others is a satisfying, comfortable feeling. Hugging creates an intimate situation where touch is used to convey appreciation and caring for the other. Hugging makes the mind sunny. Hug friends and family as often as possible.

3. Helping

Helping does not always mean donating large sums of money or volunteering. You don’t have to send help to Africa or other distant lands, as you can already help in your own neighborhood, in your own city. You can help your neighbor’s aunt by mowing the lawn or tidying a hedge, you can collect debris dripped by others and take it to the trash can, or help a friend with house painting work. This is a helpful and easy help that makes everyone feel good. You can stop to help the lost tourist and advise them on the right path.

There are many opportunities to offer help every day. Annoyingly, we just don’t see for ourselves how easy it is to provide help. Even the smallest gesture increases happiness, not all actions need to be grand.

4. Say “thank you”

Thank you for everything. Thank you is one of the strongest words and it creates a sense of well-being for both the thankful and the praiseworthy. Say thank you, but say it with that in mind. Don’t mumble the word from below angles, but look into your eyes, smile and say clearly “thank you”. Thank you if someone offers you their seat on the bus or they open the door for you, say thank you when a colleague helps you or when a waitress brings your portion to the table. Thank you is a short and easy word, but it has a big impact. Thank you for everything, even the small things. 

5. Listen

Everyone deserves to be heard and everyone longs for someone to listen. So it is important to learn to listen to friends, family and partners. Listening is the active understanding, empathy, and sharing of advice and experiences of another. By listening, you are a part of another person’s life and you feel helpful as you listen to their concerns. The listener’s part is important and reciprocal, by listening I earn the right to be heard.

When you listen, listen carefully, don’t judge or judge, and be honest. You can make another person happy just by being close and listening and supporting.

6. Stay connected

You don’t have to have a special reason to call a friend, you can just call them to ask for news. Today’s technology has made it easier to communicate and socialize, so take advantage of this to share happiness.

Send a quick caption to cheer someone up for the day, let them know you think about them and want to know what their day is all about.

A quick call can brighten someone’s day immensely, so don’t forget the power of communication.

7. Giving

Giving can mean gifts, experiences, food, time together… If you see something you know your friend should, give it to him or her. Giving always doesn’t mean buying and spending money. Cook your friend’s favorite food and invite him to eat. Take your niece for a swim or grab a neighbor for an evening run. Give yourself to others and increase the happiness of both yourself and your loved ones.

8. Sharing

If we have something extra to share, food, clothing, or merchandise, Donate it away for the benefit of others. There is nothing more rewarding than sharing something that makes other people happy. Share with those who need help.

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