How To Read Someone’s Feelings From His Eyes

How to read someone's feelings through his eyes

Reading emotions through another person’s eyes is something we can all do. After all, gaze is the way we humans communicate the most. It’s the thing that communicates the most and that helps us create a strong connection. Understanding all the wordless clues through the eyes of others allows us to see, for example, falsehood, sincerity, or the magic of attraction.

Spanish poet Becquer said he who can speak with his eyes can even kiss with his eyes. The magnetism of these fascinating organs is such that sometimes we are not fully aware of all the secrets they hide. Thus, communication experts are well aware that while many of our behaviors, actions, and words can be filtered through social conditioning and our will, gaze expresses a kind of language that we cannot always master.

If we see something attractive, our pupils dilate. Our eyes also widen when we are surprised. They focus on a certain point as we try to remember something and look down as we remain in a state of introspection. There are so many subtle nuances that characterize the behavior of our eyes. It will be interesting to know more about this. It allows us to dive into other people’s minds or read their feelings effectively.

reading emotions from the eyes

Reading emotions at the gaze of another

We dedicate much of our time to communicating with others. We do this often face to face, seeking eye contact with another. However, we pay more attention to the oral message, the spoken word, the quality of the dialogue.

It is noteworthy that in recent years, with the advent of new technologies and instant messaging systems, our style of communication has changed. We no longer need anyone in front of us to talk to us. Today, we can even convey joy, love, or hate through emoticons. All of this is neither good nor bad, it’s just different and most of all faster.

In this way, however, we lose the power to read the feelings of others through their eyes. We deprive ourselves of this joy. The mystery that reveals, through small gestures and magical nuances, the quality or complexity of our relationship. Let’s now see how this reading, how this analysis is done…

Eye blinks

When we talk about the language of the eye, we are not just talking about the eyeball and the pupil. The great expressive power of our gaze is, above all, brought about by a network of complex nerves and muscles, which also affects the movement of the eyebrows, eyelids, temporis, and so on.

  • All of this reflects the emotional activation of each moment, in which flickering and fluttering eyelashes also play an important role. For example, we know that when something surprises us, makes us angry, or even annoys us, we blink our eyes much more.
  • Likewise, it’s also common to blink a lot when you’re interacting with someone we like, or thinking about many things at once.

This may seem contradictory to all of us. However, it is good to know that this procedure, more blinking of the eyes than normal, is the mechanism that begins in our brain when we are nervous. Therefore, when reading emotions through someone’s eyes, it is important to focus on the context or the conversation taking place at the same time.

eye very close

The language of the pupils

Our pupils dilate when we see something stimulating or when we are in a dimly lit place. If something or someone attracts us, it is common for our pupils to fill like a full moon, immense and emotionally lit, by the power of attraction. Similarly, when we feel hurt or see something that angers us or causes us conflict, our pupils contract.

Visual synchronization

Reading people’s emotions is a skill we all want to master. But sometimes you don’t have to be an expert in nonverbal communication to perceive the harmony you can establish at a given moment with your friend, the object of your love, or even a family member.

An interesting fact related to this topic is that when two people “experience the connection,” visual synchrony also emerges. That is, they mimic visual gestures and share micro-expressions…

Looking from side to side – timid or lying

We have all experienced this either when talking to a child or with a very insecure person. Instead of maintaining eye contact, they escape your gaze by looking at the pages. They seek protection for their extreme shyness.

It is important to know that lying people also have eyes that are difficult to reach. However, this is not as obvious as when we are with a shy or socially anxious person. Therefore, we must pay close attention to reading their feelings and intentions.

the couple looks each other in the eyes

After all, the eyes and eyes convey a considerable and diverse amount of social and emotional information. Sometimes this way of reading emotions escapes us, but if we catch it, it’s always easy to interpret. There are also interesting studies and works, such as Reginald B. Adams ’ Effects of Direct and Averted Gaze on the Perception of Facially Communicated Emotion  or Hisashi Kobayash’s Morphology and Psychology of the Human Eye , that allow us to dig deeper into the subject.

It’s worth doing.

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