How To Succeed In A Group Interview

The key to success in a group interview is preparation. Getting to know the philosophy of the company, practicing and embracing your own role, performing a brainstorming session, and managing your emotions will make you stand out from the rest.
How to succeed in a group interview

Group interviews are quite common nowadays and therefore it would be good to prepare for them. With the tips we provide, you will be able to highlight your potential and stand out in a group interview.

Finding a job is a grueling and stressful endeavor. Job interviews are a big part of this process. There are people who know how to prepare for a personal as well as a group interview in advance. However, this is bothering many because they do not know what to expect, especially from a group interview.

Our first piece of advice is: be yourself. Stand out from the rest, but don’t do it too much, be confident and charismatic, and most importantly, be natural. After all, each of us has more to offer than what we put on our resume. We are all much more than our university education, certification and work experience.

one stands out from the crowd

One variable needs to be added to this mix: companies always want to save resources, especially time. In particular, group interviews allow them to put candidates in real situations and evaluate them in a short period of time.

More and more companies are using such interviews today, and that’s why it’s important to know their different types:

Types of group interviews

1. Forum group interview

Here the group has to make a presentation on a specific topic. It is dynamic where different skills can be assessed, such as verbal and nonverbal communication.

2. Debate interview

Here, the candidate must choose a particular topic that he or she must defend in front of the rest of the group.

3. Brainstorming interview

This dynamic is interesting and really useful. Each participant must provide ideas, approaches, solutions, and useful concepts for each topic presented by the interviewer.

4. Panel interview

Each participant must defend and demonstrate how they could solve the problem or develop ideas by presenting them from different perspectives. Creativity is valued here.

5. Role play interview

In such a group interview, the interviewer presents a hypothetical scenario and asks applicants to come up with a strategy to solve it.

6. In the basket exercise

The applicant must face the most common situations he would encounter when getting a job. This dynamic takes into account the technical aspects of the work.

Basics for group interview success


While emotional and psychological preparation are keys, it is also important to know everything possible about the desired position and company.

  • The company’s website gives an idea of ​​the company’s policy and philosophy. There, it is also possible to view the profiles of employees currently working in the company. This will help you make a list of possible questions and answers when you are asked something.
  • Edit your resume to match the position or job you are applying for.
  • Appearance is a really important factor. You need to look businesslike and stylish, and you need to wear clothes that match the image of the company you are applying for.
  • Arrive at least ten minutes before the interview.


  • Prepare a brief description of yourself.
  • It is important to be polite to other applicants. Greet them, shake hands with them, and be attentive to everyone.
  • Speak clearly and confidently. Always answer, and also ask the questions yourself.
woman leaning up the stairs

How to behave in a group interview

Self-confidence and openness are essential factors in a group interview. We must also avoid suspending other applicants, they must be taken into account, they must not be bullied, and we must avoid being the center of attention.

  • Try to come up with an original input.
  • Show a contagious enthusiasm that evokes an image of you that you have already got this job.
  • You also need to ask the interviewer questions, and show interest in the company’s goals.


You need to be mentally prepared for the group interview. Manage your anxiety and prepare for the many things we talked about in this article. Exceptional technical skills are not always enough, as communication skills and emotional intelligence are much valued in such situations.

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