I Lost You For Fear Of Losing

I lost you for fear of losing

It is ironic that often after working hard to achieve a certain goal or win a fight, we just give up. And even though Runaway Bride – The Bride on the Run  is just a movie, such a reality is closer to us than we imagine. The discussion of biological and physiological causes in the following sections examines this phenomenon. Finally, our goal is to find an answer to how we can fight it by cultivating positive emotions in the current breeding grounds for fear.

What is fear?

Fear is one of the six universal emotions. The other five are happiness, sorrow, anger, disgust and amazement. These emotions are classified as universal because they are clearly recognizable in all the cultures that have been studied so far. They also help us control the fear around us.

Hands in the dark

What is the purpose of fear? All emotions play an important role in encouraging us or preventing us from achieving a certain goal. Happiness, for example, helps us to connect with others, and at the same time promotes our health as well as our adaptation to the social environment. The purpose of hatred, on the other hand, is to protect us from greater harm or to encourage us to face our oppressors. That is why we need it in our daily lives.

Fear of failure: “What if I can’t cope with this?”

Fear is the result of us assessing the situation as negative or threatening. This may mean that the danger may not be real. In many cases, fear arises from the feeling that our abilities are not sufficient to control the situation we face.

Looking at this phenomenon, we could refer to one of the cornerstones of mental health, the identification of our own abilities.  Freud defines mental health as “awareness of one’s own potential, an effort to realize and increase one’s own potential and self-acceptance.”

On the other hand, when a situation triggers a fear reaction, we also experience physiological sensations. These help us focus our forces on two basic motor reactions: fight or flight.

  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure take care of the need for fuel for our brains.
  • Breathing intensifies to allow oxygen to be transported to our muscles for an escape reaction.
  • The separation of carbohydrates and fats in the blood takes care of energy supply if we need to fight.
  • Basic processes in the body, such as the functions of the immune and digestive systems, stop to increase blood flow to the heart and brain.
  • The muscles tense in preparation for action.

Why does the fear of losing make us lose?

This is what happens when we face a problem, a reality that is actually useful, or a neutral situation that we see as a threat. This mold works for phobias and makes us lose the things we love the most.

Therefore, when we judge a situation to be stressful or threatening, the message travels to our almond nuclei and triggers an acute stress response.  Tumake, on the other hand, is involved in many memory processes, including storing memories. That’s why memories of our fears go with us.

Fearful woman

The assessment of a situation, whether threatening or not, depends on our personality and the degree of stimulation of our qualities required in the situation. Therefore, among other reasons, there are people who love dogs and then those who panic when they see a dog.

This same reaction is true in all those situations where we struggle or feel we have a lot to lose, so we use all our tools to either fight or stay alive. When we activate either a combat or an escape reaction, we end up escaping things that would make us happy, just to avoid the possible failure created by our minds.

So this is not just happening in movies. It can happen to older, fleeing brides, or to us, when we are paralyzed by fear of public appearance. This can happen despite the fact that we know the subject area front and back.

How can we manage the fear of failure?

Nearly everyone has certainly seen a romantic film in which the main character lets the “love of his life” go. Then, suddenly, he realizes what he has lost and runs after them to express his love, but…. The plane has already taken off. And we are left in dismay to say,  “Woe to you fool! You had it all. Why did you get it out of your hands? ” Why not look at your own life like that movie?

We must first recognize that fear is a legitimate feeling. Once we recognize a feeling, it is important for us to learn to control it, not to deny or flee.  Simply put, it’s good to recognize it and put it in the right place.  Just because you feel unwell before an interview doesn’t mean you’re a coward or unfit for that job. Once we have recognized fear as a completely normal reaction, we can clarify our minds and allow for the best imaginable outcome.

1. Encounter irrational thoughts that produce fear

From time to time when we encounter situations where fear has always brought us to power, our thoughts “go into a knot” or “get pounded”. Fear is like “thirst in the wilderness” that produces a sufficient physiological response and makes us “see an oasis where it doesn’t exist.”

In this way, we begin to form thoughts like “The boss looks at me strangely. Is he going to fire me? ”,“ I’m sure they’ll laugh at me, ”etc. It’s quite possible that our boss hasn’t slept well or that he has stomach ache, and that people are laughing at jokes.

A woman swings alone at sunset

2. Break the failure mold

Jump into the whirlpool of life, for life will not wait for you. It’s a good idea to make a change to the continuum of events that made you fail in the past. If you arrive late for an important appointment, this time set aside enough time for yourself in case of unexpected situations. That way you can make sure you are on time nonetheless. This will help break the resulting mold. In addition, you stop imagining failure in that situation because your memories no longer support a comparison of such scenarios to the current situation.

Take advantage of all the tools that help develop your sense of security. Believe in yourself. If you can’t, focus on resistance and fight it instead of worrying.  And on top of that, breathe. This way you shoot down the effects of stress and fear.

3. Live in an instant and witness how things get better

The only certainty in this chaotic world is that you are the only ruler of your time. So before you start mourning what you haven’t done, or worry about what others are saying – or before it’s too late… Think about this: you’re the only one who can decide when it’s too late.

Let’s say that neither the people who criticize you, nor the ones you think will do that, can give you back the years you have lost while running away from your dreams. Therefore, live your life. Experience everything you can. And even if the end of the world came, let it meet you dancing.

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