Ignoring Your Wounds Is A Mistake

Ignoring your wounds is a mistake

We all have wounds, but none of them are like the other. We have successfully overcome other wounds, while other wounds need a little more time to heal.

Ignoring is not the best option. Protecting a wound immediately after it appears often causes it to become inflamed. Sooner or later, the wound will reappear and begin to bleed again. It is true that if we wash and expose it at the very beginning, it will bother us again, but it will heal much faster.

Time will not heal your wounds

Woman's wounds

The saying “time to heal your wound” is a lie we are always told. In fact,  time will not cure anything if you have not applied the necessary treatment to the wound. Obviously, time  is a good ally, but only if your wound is closed in the right way.

How do you know the wound is closed? When you no longer carry resentment, your wound is closed. You know when you’re ready to take the time it takes because you know that door is closed.

Don’t assume that time will heal you. Sure, we have some examples in our lives where we’ve tried to ignore the pain because we’re scared. However  , ignoring the situation will make it worse  and healing will ultimately be much more expensive.

When you let time go by you just cover the wound with a patch and you don’t see how it leaks. But you do know that it is leaking and you should take care of it. When it hurts when you try to cover it up you hope that time will do its job. You are completely wrong.

You should not distract thoughts away from yourself

Girl and space dust

Deception keeps us busy while trying to cover up or ignore what has caused us to suffer immensely. But what happens when you are alone ? What happens when you don’t have plans that would mislead you?

Deception only numbs us while within us we know we are suffering; that it hurts us. Remember that deception is temporary and sooner or later the pain will return to us. 

Don’t deceive yourself, but face your pain. No one wants to face something that has hurt them, but it’s better to do it now than to prolong it and wait for it to erupt when you least expected it. Heal your wounds.

You have to be strong

Of course you have to and must be strong. Sometimes some people hurt more what affects the heart than what affects the body. This is normal.

You can be strong. You can be strong by holding on and so that you don’t fall into the trap where you deceive yourself and let time go by  because you know now that it’s not the best way out and that when the pain comes back it’s even more horrible.

Have you heard the saying, “don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today?” Well, you can apply this advice to this. If you can close that door today, do it. Don’t leave it until tomorrow for fear because “maybe…” or “maybe…”

Clearly, we all bury hope  in our minds and that’s why it’s so hard to let go of the traps of time and delusion. But what is it worth? After all, you know what the end result of everything will be.

A colorful man

It is important that you stay away from anything that prevents you from sitting down and facing your wounds. Every time you look at it it hurts, and when you think about it you suffer. But don’t worry. Be strong and endure it. The pain will last for a much shorter time if you face it now and don’t delay. It’s time to close your wound.

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