Inspiration For Kim Peek: Rainfall

Kim Peek’s story is fascinating and it reminds us that all people are amazingly different. The whole planet got to know him through the famous Rainfall movie, which partly portrayed his talent and tragedy.
Inspiration for Kim Peek: Rainfall

Kim Peek was a man whose life showed that we know very little about our limitations and potential. His existence is proof that reality is paradoxical: every human being has limitations that can offer great benefits.

“The Real Rainman,” Kim Peek, served as the inspiration for the film’s Rainbow main character and script. However, his real life was different from what is shown in the film. This production marked a milestone not only in the history of the film industry but also in the life of the character who inspired it.

Perhaps Kim Peek’s story is more fascinating than Rainman’s . So fascinating that an estimated 2 million people searched for him just to talk to him. Several documents have also been made about his case. Even NASA wanted to know more about this great man to understand why he was the inspiration for one of the best films of the 20th century.

Kim Peek: mentally retarded?

Peek was born in 1951 and was immediately diagnosed with a developmental disability. He was born into the world with a developmental disability and for that reason doctors advised that he should be placed in a specialist center on the subject. However, his family did not agree with this. They wanted Kim to stay with them and that’s what happened.

Kim Peek had macrocephaly, meaning she was unable to develop in the normal way. His brain was too large and lacked an area that connects the two halves of the brain to each other, called the cerebral cortex. So his life outlook was not favorable.

However, Kim’s parents realized that their son was not like everyone else, but he was special. At the age of one, Kim Peek was able to remember every book that was read to her. This skill amazed parents so much that they didn’t know how to handle it.

Pile of books

Kim’s awesome brain

Kim Peek’s parents found that the boy was able to learn and remember a large amount of information. They just had to read him something once. When Kim Peek read the book himself, he turned the book upside down and no longer touched the book. He didn’t need to, because he remembered it completely.

When he was three years old, he learned to use a dictionary. He read the meanings of the words and learned them immediately. It is said that he was able to memorize an impressive number of books (up to 9,000).  He had the ability to read one page with the right eye and the other with the left. He also did it at a very fast pace: he was able to read two full pages in just 10 seconds.

Kim Peek was also able to perform complex mathematical calculations quickly. He used to grab the phonebook and add up the numbers in the column in seconds just for fun. For that reason, as an adult, he was able to keep the entire company’s accounts without a calculator or pen and paper.

Pink brain

Beautiful life

Unlike the movie “Rainman,” Kim was a very loving person. She enjoyed social interaction and responded in an understanding and loving way to all the people who communicated with her. Although he had an incredible memory, he was unable to draw conclusions from the things he read or use his mathematical skills for activities other than counting.

He had various motor problems. For example, he was unable to walk until he turned four years old. He also reached adulthood without being able to button up his shirt or tie his shoelaces. Barry Morrow, screenwriter for Sademies , met him by chance at an event that focused on people with special limitations and potentials. Morrow had already made a film on the subject. However, meeting Kim changed everything.

This meeting led him to write the screenplay for the film Sademies . The character, Dustin Hoffman, also met Kim and expressed his admiration on several occasions. He publicly thanked Peek for his participation in winning the Oscar for his film performance.

As for Kim Peek, the celebrity also knocked on her door. His father says this had a positive effect on his life as it brought him a lot of new friends. This mighty man was born into the world to teach us more about human paradoxes. Unfortunately, he died of cardiac arrest at the age of 58 in 2009.

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