Learn To Be Aware Of And Face Your Feelings

Learn to become aware of and face your feelings

There is no blinder person than he who does not want to see. Pain, sorrow and anxiety do not disappear from magic.  You can’t just close your eyes to things or click your fingers and hope everything changes. You need to acknowledge the existence of pain and learn to face it.

Even if you’re scared or think the worst is just ahead, things aren’t usually as bad as you expected. One of the biggest demons you have to face is your own catastrophic thoughts. (and which some people feed because they think they are thus protecting themselves from disappointment). Fighting demons requires courage.

But how do you face the thing that scares you the most in the world? Step by step. The first step is to admit your own inner struggle, stop denying suffering, and stop telling yourself that nothing bad will happen, even if you shout inside you. When you acknowledge your anxiety, you reveal your greatest fears to help you find the best possible ways to face them.

woman in a bird cage

The weight of the world

At first, you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and everyone around you drowns in the dark. At the same time, you realize that you need to put a name on your panic or depression that has taken over everything within you. When your anxiety has a name, it becomes less frightening because you know what’s going on and how you can ask for help in driving out apparent threats.

Naming your feelings does not mean a decrease in your reality. Nor is it an excuse to hide behind every mistake or complete definition. It’s just part of the whole, but it doesn’t define you, because you’re much more.

Naming a problem does not mean that you should forget the context in which it arose, the support you received, or the resources available. It’s just a way to simplify feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that would otherwise be hard to understand.

But simplification doesn’t mean you forget every name, every fear, the demon lurking behind a person who has their own story. A suffering, courageous person needs support and understanding.

off the shackles

Don’t waste your time fighting reality

Don’t waste your time denying reality. What is the worst thing that could happen if you admit it is happening? What is the worst thing that could happen if you stop avoiding experiences? The world is full of opportunities; you just have to start by trying it at all its power.

In that case, demons are not the only things that occupy your thoughts. Rather, you open the door to a host of new opportunities, both good and bad. This allows you to get to know yourself in every way possible and accept yourself unconditionally. But most importantly, it makes you see that you are much stronger than you could ever imagine.

You will be scared, but you will have thousands of weapons at your disposal. You will hurt yourself, but you will also feel love and affection from the people around you. And you will realize that the way you control yourself as you try to live without pain is the worst possible harm you can do to yourself, because that is when you deny reality.

Remember, we are not happier when we feel less. We are happier when we realize and accept our feelings. It is in your hands whether you decide to live or hide. It is in your hands whether you accept and face your feelings. And if you decide to do so, the end result is always hopeful. You have hope, so share it with your loved ones.

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