Life Changes When You Change Your Mind

Life changes when you change your thoughts

Every new thought is like a bolt of lightning in our brain. No one has ever seen thoughts, but their power is endless: they shape the way we see the world. They encourage us with refreshing feelings so that we can change our reality.

Today, there are plenty, even too many, books that urge us to increase the power of our minds, or try to “make us smarter” through some esoteric and unscientific ideas. Perhaps those writers have forgotten that  neuroscience already offers us great answers and new perspectives to better understand the mechanisms that control our brains.

Terms such as neurogenetics and neuroplasty have allowed for great development comparable to when it was previously thought that the adult mind ceased to produce new neurons at a certain age. Our thoughts are undeniably like a powerful weapon, as they create new bridges,  new connections that reorient the map of our emotions. Or like projector tapes that get the movie of our lives moving…

motion picture

Thoughts that create your reality

Thanks to the continuous development of diagnostic techniques such as computerized tomography, great strides have been made in understanding brain functions. One of the most interesting findings is that we finally understand how thoughts are born. For example: when we look at a red sphere and our retina captures the property of each sphere, the information travels through various structures, such as the visual part of the brain.

If we close our eyes and someone asks us to think about a red ball, it may seem surprising, but our brain activates an exactly similar picture of the structure of the ball. In other words, our brains reflect the same activity as it sees and feels.  This amazing information forces the entire scientific community, as well as us, to ask ourselves the same question:  if there is no difference to the brain in what it sees and what it imagines… then what is our authentic reality?

Undoubtedly, here comes the conceptual area of ​​the quantum mind, but we leave this area to it, and focus on something more practical, namely, concrete aspects. Our reality consists of something as simple as it is powerful: our emotions, in which our thoughts are real catalysts. To better understand this, we need to dive deeper into a series of basic considerations.

a boy with a book and a girl a chameleon

What are your thoughts?

Simply put, an idea is a chemical formula that is accompanied by electrical impulses. This may sound sad, but at the same time it is interesting. Every time we think of something, our nerve cells merge into synaptic cracks by releasing certain types of biochemical constituents.

We know that our thoughts produce our feelings. When our thoughts send a message, our hippocampus is responsible for transmitting the message by breaking down neuropeptides through the pituitary gland. These neuropeptides are then released into the bloodstream, triggering a series of different reactions.

Gradually, the following happens:  if our brains get used to receiving certain kinds of emotions, it may end up creating normal thoughts. This is the case, for example, with stress: sometimes some emotions overwhelm us (fear) so that we lose control, continuing our daily lives in a reality that we do not identify with.

What kind of reality do you prefer?

This is not about being “more intelligent,” or improving the IQ overnight. This is more about the ability to create reality. A reality that meets our needs, our  characteristics, and our total right to be happy.

To achieve this, we should first be aware of one thing: our reality is based on our state of mind, the weight of our memories, our interpretation, and our thoughts.  There are always people who go through life in a pipeline. They go through life in such a closed state of reality that they are unable to see all the possibilities around them.

Let’s learn to see the world with a panoramic vision,  let’s create for ourselves a broader reality like this:

Our thoughts and neurogenetics

Neurogenetics refers to our natural ability to produce new nerve cells. In 1928, Santiago Ramón y Cajal stated, “everything dies, nothing can be produced.” Today, such a utterance is crushed when we look at the mind, the fairytale architect of our reality.

  • First, it is important to remember that the biggest enemy of our minds is stress. It is so strong that it changes our internal structure, reduces the connectivity of our nerve cells, and even reduces the size of our hippocampus.
  • We need to take care of our spiritual world and remember that our thoughts dominate it. One way to achieve this is by following these questions: What do I want to feel? What am I feeling right now? What worries me? What can I do to resolve this?
  • A strong, courageous, and optimistic internal conversation with ourselves can help us channel several of our negative feelings.
  • Remember  that physical exercise is a great way to promote our neurogenetics. In addition to the fact that physical exercise increases the oxygen levels in our brain, it also relieves stress thanks to the endorphins produced by the brain. Physical exercise also produces new nerve cells.
  • Another way to generate new ideas is by changing our ways. Breaking routines, putting ourselves in new situations, new hobbies, or meeting stimulating people. These strengthen our brains and our state of mind.

Finally,  we cannot forget the effects of meditation on our minds. This exercise that balances our minds and bodies provides great effects on our emotional world, promoting alpha and gamma waves. These in turn create greater neuronal connectivity.

Let us be architects of our own realities. Let us remember that neutral thoughts do not even exist, but all thoughts are capable of creating a certain kind of reality. Whether our reality is miraculous is entirely up to us.

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