Love Never Goes To Waste

Love is never wasted

Love never fades or is forgotten, it stays in our hearts. It’s always there – even when we don’t think about it or when we cover our eyes from it. It stays there even when that love no longer matters in our lives or memories.

In this sense, love never ceases to exist and meaning. However, love can also be frustrating and heartbreaking if we don’t get the response we need for it.

Clearly, giving a lot is very tiring if you get little back.  That is why we should not expect anything from anyone but ourselves. What is going to happen happens, but not always in the form in which we expect or want it to happen.

“My mother used to say that love never goes to waste. Not even if it is not given back to you to the same extent as you would deserve or would like.

‘Let it flow out,’ he said. ‘Open your heart, and don’t be afraid of crushing it. Broken hearts are healed, but protected hearts are only petrified. ‘”

-Penelope Stokes (from the TV series Heartbreak Cafe) –

This completely fights the idea that love is a total and absolute surrender to another. It’s hard for us to understand this, but it’s essential that we leave this idea behind and forget the image of love created by the Disney movies that “everything I do, I do just for you, and if you leave me, I have no purpose anymore”.

There are romantic relationships that are cursed to fail from the beginning because they lack reciprocity and gratitude. This is natural, because the only way to keep love prosperous is to “water” it every day.

Extension of the heart

We need to ask ourselves if we expect our spouse to treat us the same way we treat him or her, and whether we expect him or her to give us love the same way we give it to him or her. Everyone is as it is, and everyone gives love to others in different ways.

In any case, differences due to emotional addiction give us the opportunity to work with ourselves and strive to get rid of that addiction. It is possible to put broken hearts back together and make them ones that know how to love without asking for anything in return.

Love never disappears, it changes

Well, not any love, but love for yourself. It also teaches you to look at others with respect and understanding. So if you want love, give it. Giving it is the best way to get it too – not necessarily from other people, but from yourself.

It is incredibly important that you show the green light to your own feelings as it will make you feel good and allow you to love and be loved. In other words, the fact that you open your heart and give space to your emotions prevents you from turning into a stone. We all know that stones have no emotions, they do not suffer, and they do not feel hot or cold. We are not rocks. We are walking, feeling, and thinking hearts.


Self-love is always available

Only by loving yourself can you also give love to others. For example, if you have a spouse, you will enjoy this relationship much more if you want a relationship instead of needing it.

This is complicated and at first it may lead you into internal conflicts as our society has mixed romance and emotional addiction. However, getting rid of such prejudices will help you revitalize and grow your love for yourself and others.

“To love, one has to work internally, and that is only possible in solitude.”

-Alejandro Jodorowsky-

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