Love Should Be Eternal

Love should be eternal

Love needs a future. There must be a clear feeling in love that there are promising things, happiness and hope in the future. A spark between two hearts and common goals, common tolerance. Everyone is somewhat aware that nothing can last forever, especially emotions, but true and lasting love must feel eternal. Love can only last if both can believe in its endurance and future.

It is difficult to deal with issues of lasting love and relationships, because in today’s world, emotions are transient, as are love stories and relationships. Many can’t even try to love the same person for decades. But the stars in the sky only glow if you stop to look at them. If we did not look up to the heavens, there would not even be stars for us. The same goes for love; we must see it to know it.

Heart in a wheelbarrow

Eternal love is not found, it is built

Sometimes in a relationship, it can feel like the love is no longer as strong and similar to what it once was. Sometimes it feels like love is distorted. We are disappointed in our feelings because we cannot say that we really know our partner, we cannot be sure that they are the love of our lives, for we are blind to the fact that love is much more than the immediacy between two bodies.

Maybe love isn’t serious because we don’t allow it to be serious. We fear failure, a new break in the heart, we don’t want to believe in romantic love stories. True love is not based on romantic comedies or Disney princess tales. Fear and expectations can prevent us from experiencing true, deep and genuine love.

Love will not appear unless we give it space. If we set an expiration date for love, we will give it a price at the same time. Sometimes love is cheaper because it costs you less (you don’t have to try or push yourself). A few glances, a kiss and “I love you” are as light as a feather.

You don’t choose who you fall in love with, in what situation and in what place. Love is purer than these trivial things.

We need to be brave and dedicated to situations. There is no point in love if we do not believe in its power. If we don’t believe in love, we can’t stay with the same person for very long.

When we talk about true love, we are talking about something that cannot be limited or determined.  Love cannot be controlled or tied in place, for love is so powerful that it feels strong even when completely vulnerable and naked.

Love should be experienced as if life were eternal. We will enjoy it more if we are able to control ourselves and not try to rush towards its various stages. We need to get rid of our own fears about permanence, change, and cycles of love.

It is daring to believe in eternal love, but if we give it time, we can be pleasantly surprised. True love lifts, nurtures, supports, impeccably loves, understands, and challenges. You can achieve it if you don’t set silly boundaries on your emotions.

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