May 8 Technology To Increase Productivity

The May 8 technique is based on the action of ultraradian rhythms. It is a method that helps organize work so that we can make full use of our brain’s abilities while protecting them from overload and fatigue, thus achieving better productivity.
May 8 technology to increase productivity

The May 8 technique is based on two premisees of brain function. The first tells us that this body, like everything else in the natural world, works in a cyclical and nonlinear way. The second premise states that attention and concentration are limited resources. Our brains are actually fluctuating. Our brains are not ready to work at full capacity constantly.

Natural processes are cyclical. These involve a series of different steps in the development of specific processes. This is how one cycle ends so that a new one can begin, just like night and day or seasons or, for example, the menstrual cycle. Concentration also has its own cycle associated with ultraradian rhythms and the May 8 technique is based on this analysis.

Limitations on attention span relate to the balance of information received in relation to the brain’s ability to process that information. We are not always ready to receive and fully control mental stimuli. May 8 technology takes this reality into account.

It is important to clarify that while the May 8 technique begins with scientific premises, it is not a method built by science. Rather, it is an empirical model that has been applied over time and has proven to be a very effective way to develop intellectual tasks. This technique is especially suitable for those who work a lot on intellectual tasks.

No matter how wonderful the brain is, it is not designed to work at full capacity constantly

May 8 technique and ultradian rhythms

Ultradian rhythms are cyclic processes that last less than 20 hours. Examining them, especially in terms of concentration and attention, it has been found that the human brain manages to maintain a line of attention for 18 minutes. After this, the distractions emerge.

However, the period that shows the time of permanent intellectual activity and the need for an absolute rest period is between 90 and 120 minutes. This means that we will be able to complete the task effectively during this period, after which the intellectual functions will decrease significantly. That is why rest is essential.

Similarly, May 8 technology has succeeded in confirming that the first 220 minutes of work are the most productive. This is the moment when you should perform the most complex functions. Then during the rest of the day, our intellectual performance will start to decline gradually. How do we apply this technology on a daily basis so that we can optimize our performance? Read more below.

The decisive start of the working day

We have a 210 minute gold time at the beginning of the day. It is very important that we are aware of this so that we do not waste this time. Many start their work day by reading the day’s news, replying to emails, or interacting on social media. Reflection: Maybe we’ll spend the day’s best-performing moments on activities that don’t deserve it?

It would be ideal to start the day by completing the most complex tasks that require the most creativity. We have about three and a half hours to take advantage of this moment. In this case, it would be best to do the following:

  • First: warming the brain. The brain also needs a brief warm-up before it can begin to function properly. The first thing is to spend 10 minutes warming up the brain. Ideally, the day’s work would have been planned already during the previous day, allowing the day’s plan to be checked during those first 10 minutes.
  • Second: a complex task. This moment lasts 60 minutes, during which you have to focus on the most complex tasks. In other words, for those tasks that require great concentration or creativity.
  • Third: a break. Next comes a 10-15 minute break. This includes getting up, stretching your legs, and engaging in an activity that has nothing to do with your work.
  • Fourth: the golden stage. Another 60 minutes to work. These are the most productive moments of the day. These moments allow you to complete the job you started in the second step or start a new one.
  • Fifth: tasks for calm. During the last 10 minutes of this cycle, you should turn your attention to performing simple tasks that do not require much concentration.
The day would be ideal to start by completing the most complex tasks that require more concentration

The time remaining from the working day

Ideally, after these three and a half hours, there will be a moment of rest. In most cases, however, this is not possible, in which case we must continue to perform the day’s activities. However, after this first phase of higher productivity, we should focus on work in a different way.

After a second 10 or 15 minute break, a new 210 minute period should begin. Admittedly, at this new stage, the brain no longer needs to be warmed up and we need to focus on mechanical tasks with a physical component that can help us regain the activation that has already begun to decline. The idea is to complete 40-minute tasks followed by 10-minute breaks.

Clearly, not everyone can apply May 8 technology in such a strict way. It would therefore be ideal to adapt this technology to your own situation. The truth is that the results after using this technique are amazing. So dare to try this technology – you probably won’t regret it!

Note: The technology shared in this article is not a rule that works for everyone. Individual differences affect the application of this technique, so it would be important enough to introduce the logic shared by the article, not so much its rigorous design. Everyone should adjust this technique, for example, according to the moment of the day when everyone knows they are at their most active.

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