My Wound Of Your Rejection

My wound for your rejection

One of my earliest childhood memories is the moment you walk out the door and never go back. The sound of the door slamming keeps me still alert and it has left its mark on me permanently. You don’t know how deep the wounds of your rejection are, Dad.

When your dad leaves and never comes back, when no one tells you what happens because they think you’re too young or try to protect you, that’s where what hurts the most. This is because you are the one who paints reality using those few reasons that you can find by reading between the lines.

These are the reasons that can hurt you the most. They can damage your future relationships with your partners, for it the guilt will remain with you. You’ve been a bad girl or boy and you don’t deserve your father. You don’t understand interpersonal issues, but you do understand punishments. Losing your father is a punishment.

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Your rejection has caused me guilt

The absent father, who left you of his own free will, creates spiritual gaps in you that you are now trying to fill with guilt. After all, you feel like if you had been kind, he would never have left you. Then you believe that if you had been better, you would have earned your father your side.

You have lost your courage because you have been an evil daughter or son. That’s why your father left. There is no other reason, as no one has given you the option to think otherwise. You are a child, and in itself a child’s self-centeredness leads you to think that everything is under your control. Everything has a reason, and everything has to do with you.

Rejection leaves a mental emptiness that transcends physical absence. After all, physical absence can be corrected by the efforts of one mother or another relative or a new father figure. But the absence of emotion is an invaluable vacuum that cannot be filled if only one parent exists.

When you are a child, you think that bad things that only happen in books are the result of their transgressions. It’s about morality. Thus, it is precisely the feeling of guilt that best explains how you feel when your father leaves you behind. You feel bad because you don’t feel another way to understand your mental emptiness.

Early rejection affects future interpersonal relationships

Spiritual absence is an emptiness that leaves its mark on you and is impossible to hide. It’s a real vacuum that makes you always fear the same thing will happen again. That emptiness makes you believe that all men are like him who left you and who was meant to take care of you.

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Spiritual emptiness makes you question your own worth. Your self-esteem is hurt, and loving yourself feels hard. After all, as you experience rejection at a young age, your own worth is cemented for those who want to be on your side.

And this leads to entanglement. Your relationships are full of fear and loneliness, which in turn makes you distant. You become mentally unattainable because you are just trying to protect yourself. Your relationships follow a specific pattern:

  • First, you are cold and distant so you don’t expose others. If they don’t know you, they can’t hurt you either.
  • If you can feel something, you start to distance yourself from it. This is not necessarily a conscious, but rather a means of protecting yourself. If there is no psychic bond, the annoyances will also stay away from you.
  • This reinforces your fears. After all, it is a prophecy fulfilled by yourself: they will reject you. That’s when you feel most lonely. You think the world is a hostile place and you can’t avoid being rejected.
  • This will shrink your self-esteem even more. You feel like everyone is leaving you because you don’t deserve them. The same thing happened with your father. You don’t deserve anyone’s affection.
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Overcoming rejection is a step towards spiritual maturity

Overcoming rejection is always a step that ultimately leads to spiritual maturity. It requires rebuilding yourself, your self-esteem, and your relationships. Overcoming rejection begins with loving and accepting yourself, even if you have become rejected.

It means understanding and accepting absence and pain. Sometimes relationships break down for no particular reason, love can weaken and something happens. That’s why it’s so hard to give love to someone who has suffered rejection.

Overcoming rejection also requires learning new social and interactive ways that allow you to develop relationships without addiction. You should also not push away those who are trying to help you.

Overcoming negative emotions can prevent you from repeating the events of your past. You should understand it as a natural and necessary process that makes you feel free in human relationships. In addition, your memory will not become a source of polluting anxiety.

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