New Macho Men: 5 Characteristics

New macho men: 5 characteristics

Despite the constant changes in society’s experiences, the  machoist attitude remains in power. Machoilu  is deeply rooted in different cultures and societies. There are still many beliefs that lead to the underestimation of women and that we need to tear up their roots. In fact, some of them disguise themselves behind a certain kind of cunning and usually belong to new  macho men. So what does the new  machining  consist of?

In Western societies, traditional  macho work is slowly disappearing. However, some people still advocate values ​​that leave women in inferior positions to men. They even try to hide them. Their arguments are more subtle, but they are still based on the erroneous idea that women are worthless. Let’s take a closer look at this.

What are the new  macho men  like?

As we mentioned earlier, new  macho men  still believe in the inferiority of women. So they believe in classic macho ideas. However, their ideas are refined and less intense. In fact, even some women believe these ideas.

However, the new  machoism is not based on blind hatred of women like female hatred.  It is simply based on contempt for women and the belief that being a woman is less valuable. In this sense, new macho men believe that women should have fewer rights and fewer opportunities for personal and professional development.

Next, we’ll talk about some of the features that come with the new macho.

machom men and workers

1. Decreasing attitudes

New  macho men  tend to take advantage of women. They do so because they  believe women are not as smart as men. That’s why they talk to women in a simpler and more superficial way. In addition, new  macho men  think that women are not responsible for their decisions or their lives in general.

2. New  macho men uphold  traditional values

The new  macho men  do not explicitly express or defend male dominance over women. But they show a certain longing for the traditional values ​​that  prevailed in machining  societies and cultures. Such as defending women who dedicated their lives to their spouses without enjoying any freedom or individuality at all.

3. Regular commentary on the female body

Such men tend to make repeated comments about the appearance of women. Such behavior is based on the importance of women’s  appearance. It is a fundamental factor for women, especially because of its connection to the value of its reproductive capacity.

4. Continuous reference to female reproductive function

Another common way among new  macho men  is the constant reference to the role of women in reproduction. As if that were the main goal of their lives. This principle is based on the fact that  traditional societies restricted women to roles of housekeeping and care. At the same time, the men were responsible for the official aspects of life.

Paradoxically, new  macho men  argue that we cannot limit men to one trait. At the same time, however, they value women only because of their body and ability to reproduce. They express all of this subtly and in disguise.

5. New  macho men  criticize female leaders

New  macho men  think women should not be in positions of high power. This is because leadership skills do not fit into the more traditional feminist ideal. Men with a new  macho  attitude are more sensitive to the mistakes made by the women above them.

women are not allowed to talk

As we have seen, despite initiatives to promote equality between men and women,  there are still myths that need to be eradicated, as well as inflexible ideas that need to be combated. While this list is just a brief introduction to the new  macho  and the people who implement it, we should keep in mind that there are many other qualities that  describe macho men  .

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